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U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau - My American Dream Contest 2014年我的美國夢比賽

各位親愛嘅朋友,想唔想贏取一個免費去美國旅行嘅機會? 咁就黎參加「2014年我的美國夢比賽」啦! 你可以透過短片、照片幻燈片、網誌或者文章去分享吓你嘅美國夢。內容一定要包括一個指定嘅美國地方,同埋今年嘅要求係,要解釋點解呢個地方代表到真正嘅美國!
Facebook friends, do you want to WIN A TRIP TO THE UNITED STATES? We are pleased to announce the 2014 My American Dream Contest! Tell us about your “American Dream” trip in a video, photo slide show, blog entry, or essay. Your entry must include a specific place in the U.S. and, in our 2014 TWIST, tell us why your AMERICAN DREAM location is "the REAL America"! Remember to send us your entry by April 15, 2014. Click on this link for more information:

My American Dream Contest 2014


