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AIA promotion program

參加比賽,有機會得到iPad mini或$25咖啡禮劵!

作品主題 :「真轉變‧不停步」相片分享

參賽資格 :

- 參加者必須為AIA香港 Facebook專頁的粉絲
- 年滿18歲或以上,並持有有效之香港/澳門政府發出之身份證明文件

參加方法 :

- 參賽者須提交兩張以兩個不同人生階段拍攝的相片,選擇相框組合及顏色,再加上30字內的文字分享
- 每位參加者可上載多於一份作品
- 提交作品時必須提供有效之個人資料


- 上載之相片須為JPEG格式,不超過2MB及未經發表 (建議相片為不少於500萬像素)
- 比賽不接受合成照片、電腦技術人工修改製作作品
- 參賽作品(包含文字及照片)必需為參加者之原創作品或版權所有,否則將被取消參加資格
- 參加者所提交之相片不可含不雅、侮辱、挑釁、任何侵犯版權之內容、捏造事實誹謗他人或人身攻擊之內容,AIA香港及澳門友邦保險保留刊登及刪除相片的權利,參加者不得異議


A. 上載相片及公開投票時間:
B. 結果公佈:
得獎結果將於每次比賽回合結束後一星期內,透過本網站及AIA Facebook fan page公佈


每回合得票最高之參賽者可獲iPad mini一部

MTR apps lucky draw - download and win a Samsung Galaxy S4!

有MTR Mobile一步步教路,

MTR Mobile智能手機程式,三大功能助你輕鬆計劃行程:
Traffic News:即時提供各項車務調動安排,讓你選定應變路綫
按此可了解 MTR Mobile 的主要功能及其他港鐵智能手機程式。
7月22日至10月13日,每週送出一部,有機會贏取 Samsung GALAXY S4
第1步:用智能手機下載MTR Mobile
MTR Mobile
第2步: 在MTR Mobile主頁按左上角「設定」選項,該畫面左下方列出MTR Mobile為6.0或以上版,把該畫面儲存以便登記抽獎時上載。
第3步: 於「路綫百科」中按此活動的推廣廣告登記參加抽獎
第4步: 填妥個人資料,包括姓名(必須與身份證相同)、有效手提電話號碼、上載畫面及選揀得知此推廣渠道,即可參加抽獎。
如使用iPhone上載畫面, iOS必須為6.0 或以上的版本。

  1. 推廣期由2013年7月22日15:00至10月13日23:59止[GMT+8]。
  2. 參加者必須下載MTR Mobile智能手機程式,在主頁按左上角「設定」選項,該畫面左下方列出MTR Mobile為6.0或以上版,把該畫面儲存以便登記抽獎時上載。
  3. 參加者必須於「路綫百科」中按此活動的推廣廣告登記參加抽獎。
  4. 推廣期內完成下載MTR Mobile智能手機應用程式並填妥個人資料,包括姓名(必須與身份證相同)及有效手提電話號碼,上載畫面及選擇推廣渠道,即可參加抽獎,有機會贏取Samsung GALAXY S4一部,名額12 個。
  5. 推廣期內參加者以相同個人資料登記抽獎只會享有1次中獎機會。2013年7月29日起一連十二個星期,每星期抽出1名得獎者可得Samsung GALAXY S4 乙部。未被抽中的參加者將會自動參加下期抽獎。每名得獎者只有1次中獎機會。
    登記抽獎 (以香港時間計算)抽獎日期 (以香港時間計算)
  6. 參加者須保證所有填寫或提交之資料均為真實及正確,且沒有冒用或盜用任何第三者之資料,違者將被取消資格。
  7. 任何人士參加是次活動,即表示接受及同意此條款及細則。
  8. 是次活動之抽獎登記日期及時間,將以支援公司伺服器所接收之數據為準。任何因電腦、網路等技術問題而引致參加者所遞交的資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況,將被視作未能完成登記而不能參加抽獎。
  9. 得獎名單將於2013年10月22日於星島日報、英文虎報及港鐵網站內公布。
  10. 得獎者將獲專人以電話確認通知領獎事宜。如無法於2013年10月28日前透過所提供之電話號碼與得獎者聯絡,該得獎者被視作放棄獎品論。
  11. 所有獎品不可轉讓或兌換現金。
  12. 得獎者須於2013年11月15日或之前領取獎品,逾期作廢。得獎者於領獎時必須出示有效之身份證明文件以核實身份。如未能親身領獎,代領人必須出示授權書及得獎者之有效身份證明文件副本方可代領。
  13. 活動中收集的所有個人資料只會在本活動內使用,所有個人資料均會於活動完畢後一律銷毀。如對私隱政策有任何查詢或疑問,歡迎發電郵至,與本公司的個人資料私隱主任聯絡。
  14. 香港鐵路有限公司、其代理廣告公司及推廣公司之員工均不得參加是次抽獎活動,以示公允。
  15. 如有爭議,香港鐵路有限公司擁有最終決定權。
查詢請致電港鐵熱綫2881 8888。


Let MTR Mobile be your guide every step of the way!

Features highlights:
Journey Planner: Obtain the shortest route as well as the first and last train schedules
Station exits: Obtain travel directions by searching for landmarks around station exits
Traffic news: Get instant updates on special service arrangements to help you plan an alternative route
Press here to learn more about the major functions of MTR Mobile and the other MTR Apps.
Download MTR Mobile for free now. A Samsung GALAXY S4 will be given out every week from 22 July to 13 October.
1st step: Download MTR Mobile with your smartphone
MTR Mobile
2nd step: Select "Settings" on the top left corner on the main page of MTR Mobile and capture the screen for subsequent lucky draw registration. The screen should show that the version of the MTR Mobile is 6.0 or above.
3rd step: Register for the lucky draw via the banner advertisement shown in "Journey Planner"
4th step: Provide personal information, including full name (which must be the same as that on the Hong Kong Identity Card) and a valid mobile number, upload the screen and select the promotion channels you got to know this promotion to enter the lucky draw
The iOS must be 6.0 or above if using iPhone uploading screen.
Terms & Conditions
  1. The promotion period is from 22 July 2013 at 15:00 to 13 October 2013 at 23:59 (GMT +8).
  2. Participants are required to download the MTR Mobile app, select "settings" on the top left corner on the main page of MTR Mobile and capture the screen for subsequent lucky draw registration. The screen should show that the version of MTR Mobile is 6.0 or above.
  3. Participants are required to register for the lucky draw via the banner advertisement shown in "Journey Planner" in the app.
  4. During the promotion period, participants have to register their personal information, including full name (which must be the same as that on the Hong Kong Identity Card) and a valid mobile number, upload the scree and select the promotion channels which you got to know about this promoion to enter the lucky draw for Samsung GALAXY S4. Twelve winners will be drawn.
  5. The same set of personal information used for the lucky draw registration gives the participant one chance of winning. One winner will be drawn every week from 29 July for 12 consecutive weeks. Participants who do not win the prize will automatically be entered into the next draw. Each winner can win the prize once only.
    Lucky Draw Registration (Hong Kong Time)Draw Day (Hong Kong Time)
    before 23:59 on 28 July 201329 July 2013
    before 23:59 on 4 August 20135 August 2013
    before 23:59 on 11 August 201312 August 2013
    before 23:59 on 18 August 201319 August 2013
    before 23:59 on 25 August 201326 August 2013
    before 23:59 on 1 September 20132 September 2013
    before 23:59 on 8 September 20139 September 2013
    before 23:59 on 15 September 201316 September 2013
    before 23:59 on 22 September 201323 September 2013
    before 23:59 on 29 September 201330 September 2013
    before 23:59 on 6 October 20137 October 2013
    before 23:59 on 13 October 201315 October 2013
  6. All information provided by the participant must be true and correct, and not illegally obtained or stolen from a third party. Participants submitting false or misleading information will be disqualified.
  7. By entering the lucky draw registration, participants agree to the terms and conditions of this promotion.
  8. The lucky draw registration time and date will be recorded by the server of the supporting vendor, which shall be final. Delay, loss, error or unrecognisable entries due to computer or network problems will be deemed as incomplete registration and will not be accepted for the lucky draw.
  9. A full list of winners will be published in Sing Tao Daily and The Standard and on the MTR website at on 22 October 2013.
  10. Winners will be individually notified by telephone regarding the arrangement for prize collection. Prizes will be forfeited if the winner cannot be contacted via the provided contact number before 28 October 2013.
  11. Prizes cannot be transferred or exchanged for cash.
  12. Winners are required to present their Hong Kong Identity Card for verification when collecting the prize. If a winner cannot collect the prize in person, he or she may authorise someone to collect it with an authorisation letter and a copy of the Hong Kong Identity Card of the winner. Prizes not claimed before 15 November 2013 will be forfeited.
  13. Personal data collected is to be used solely for this event and the data will be destroyed when the purpose for which it was collected is fulfilled. In case of queries, please contact the Personal Data Privacy Officer of MTR Corporation Limited at
  14. For the sake of fairness, employees of MTR Corporation Limited and its advertising agency are not eligible for the lucky draw.
  15. MTR Corporation Limited reserves the right to make the final decision in the event of any dispute.
For enquiries, please call the MTR Hotline: 2888 1888

Trade Promotion Competition Licence No. 41340

Canon Voyager 遊歷攝影比賽

How far will you go for perfection? Canon photography competition~




Club Canon會員只需於2013年8月1日至9月15日,於本網站上載你的遊歷相片,即可參加比賽,分享旅途上優美景致,兼與一眾旅攝達人較量贏取豐富獎賞!每人最多上載10張相片參賽,立即參加!


  • 只限年滿18歲或以上的Club Canon會員
  • 相片必須以Canon EOS數碼單鏡反光相機及EF鏡頭拍攝
  • 參賽作品必須為未經電腦合成的相片,並必須以 Canon EOS數碼相機及EF 鏡頭(包括EF-S及EF-M鏡頭)拍攝。惟大會接受適度的後製修飾,如調整亮度或色彩濃度。
  • 由於得獎作品將被列印展出,為確保打印質素,建議相片原檔像素為1,200萬像素以上。
  • 相片必須包含未曾修改的EXIF資料以核實器材資格,如相片的EXIF資料曾被竄改,參賽者有可能被取消參賽資格。


最美遊歷大獎(5名) ﹣得獎者可獲Canon Image2HK$3000現金券;得獎作品將於Canon Image2佳能數碼影像坊公開展出

優秀作品(5名) ﹣得獎作品將於Canon Image2佳能數碼影像坊公開展出

最具人氣作品(1名) ﹣可獲Canon Image2HK$1000現金券


秀美風光,自然吸引眾人目光!立即投選心水作品,只需讚好Canon Enjoy Photo Facebook專頁,並將投選的作品發佈至facebook個人頁面,留下個人資料即可參加每日「投」獎,Canon將每日抽出3位幸運兒,獲贈人氣禮品EOS-1D X限量版Tote Bag乙個!參加抽獎次數不限,投票越多,中獎機會越大!截止投票日期2013年9月30日!
