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Godiva Chocolatier (Asia) - 上載「初夏樂拍」照 隨時賞你笑遊比利時 Happy Summer Snap

【上載「初夏樂拍」照 隨時賞你笑遊比利時】
1. 上傳作品至個人Instagram並加上Hashtag ‪#‎godivasummer‬
2. 到 填妥表格
您就有機會贏取GODVIA豪華巧克力禮盒乙個(價值HK$1,000/ NT$ 4,000/ S$180)(名額20位)或比利時布魯塞爾雙人來回機票!
【Take A Happy Summer Snap & Win A Trip To Belgium】
Who would not smile to WOW while savoring the delightful GODIVA desserts at the Grand Place in Brussels! Let’s capture the fun and joyful moment brought by the indulging sweetness with GODIVA’s Happy Summer Snap.
Just take a snap shot on “A smile to WOW” on or before May 17, and
1. Upload the photo to your Instagram, hashtag #godivasummer
2. Fill in the form at
You could enjoy a more colourful early summer with a chance to win a GODIVA Chocolate Deluxe Gift Set (with the value of HK$1,000/NT$4,000/S$180) (20 winners) or round-trip air tickets to Brussels, Belgium for two.


