- 賽馬會全城躍動活力跑 (2015年3月8日)
- 十八區啦啦隊大賽 (2015年3月29日)
- 八項體育比賽 (2015年3月22日至5月30日)
- 開幕典禮 (2015年4月25日)
- 閉幕暨綜合頒獎典禮 (2015年5月31日)
- 公開組:凡本港居民均可參加,年齡不限
- 學生組:凡本港全日制學生均可參加
- 參賽者必須於 2015年6月8日(星期一)或之前,按下列方法遞交參賽作品:
- 互聯網:
- 在第五屆港運會「活力動感攝影比賽」專題網頁輸入參賽者資料並上載參賽作品。
- 參賽作品必須為解像度不少於 800 萬像素的 JPEG 檔案,大小須為 1MB 至 3MB。
- 遞交時間以完成所有照片上傳及登記程序的時間為準,逾時遞交,概不受理。 網上遞交參賽作品
- 郵寄或專人送遞:
- 把參賽作品和填妥的參加表格以郵寄或專人送遞方式(信封面清楚註明「第五屆全港運動會─活力動感攝影比賽」)送交下列地點:
- 沙田排頭街1至3號康樂及文化事務署總部2樓
- 沙田排頭街1至3號康樂及文化事務署總部2樓
- 參賽作品必須為 20至23厘米 × 25.4至35.6 厘米的射印照片。
- 其他形式的作品,恕不接受。參賽作品上不得寫上姓名或任何資料。
- 郵寄參賽作品的遞交日期以郵戳為準,逾期遞交,概不受理。
- 把參賽作品和填妥的參加表格以郵寄或專人送遞方式(信封面清楚註明「第五屆全港運動會─活力動感攝影比賽」)送交下列地點:
- 互聯網:
- 主辦機構將於收到參賽作品後七個工作天內,以電子郵件確認收妥作品。未能提供電郵地址的參賽者須在參加表格上填寫通訊地址,以便聯絡。
2601 7673
Scheduled for 25 April to 31 May 2015, the 5th Hong Kong Games (HKG) will cover eight sports, namely the athletics, badminton, basketball, futsal, swimming, table tennis, tennis and volleyball. Apart from the sports competitions, a series of public participation activities will also be organised to enable members of the public to participate in and support the HKG in different ways. Among them, the “Dynamic Moments Photo Contest” is aimed to encourage photography enthusiasts to take pictures of the fascinating scenes at various events of the 5th HKG and capture the dynamic moments of the participants. All award-winning photos will be uploaded to the dedicated website of the 5th HKG so that members of the public can share some unforgettable moments of this spectacular event.
The dynamic moments of the 5th Hong Kong Games events below:
- The Jockey Club Vitality Run (8 March 2015)
- Cheering Team Competition for the 18 Districts (29 March 2015)
- The eight sports competitions (22 March to 30 May 2015)
- Opening Ceremony (25 April 2015)
- Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony (31 May 2015)
Divisions and Eligibility:
- Open Division: open to all local residents of all ages
- Student Division: open to all full-time students in Hong Kong
Each participant may submit 5 entries at most.
Free of charge
There will be a Champion, a 1st Runner-up and a 2nd Runner-up as well as 10 outstanding prizes for each division. Please refer to Prospectus for prize details.
Entry Methods:
- Participants must submit their entries on or before 8 June 2015 by the following means:
- Online submission:
- Participants may provide their particulars and upload their entries through the dedicated website of the “Dynamic Moments Photo Contest” of the 5th HKG.
- Photos must be in JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 8 megapixels and a file size of 1 to 3 MB.
- Submission time will be the time when photo uploading and registration are completed. Late submission will not be accepted. Go to Online Submission
- Submission by post or by hand:
- Participants may submit their entries and completed entry forms by post or by hand (with “The 5th Hong Kong Games – Dynamic Moments Photo Contest” clearly marked on the outside of the envelope) to the following address:
- Major Events Section
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
2/F, Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters
1-3 Pai Tau Street, Sha Tin
(Office hours: 8:45 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday, except General Holidays)
- Major Events Section
- Entries should be in prints in the size range of 20 to 23 cm X 25.4 to 35.6 cm. Submission of entries in any other forms will not be accepted.
- No names or particulars should be written on the entries.
- For entries submitted by post, the date of application will be based on the postmark.
- Participants may submit their entries and completed entry forms by post or by hand (with “The 5th Hong Kong Games – Dynamic Moments Photo Contest” clearly marked on the outside of the envelope) to the following address:
- Online submission:
- The Organiser will acknowledge receipt via e-mail within 7 working days after receiving the entries. Participants not providing an e-mail address should provide a correspondence address in their entry form for future contact.
Prospectus and Entry Form:
Time-table of Activities and Sports Competitions:
Time-table of Activities and Sports Competitions
For the latest information relating to a series of public participation activities and sports competitions, please browse our dedicated website.
For the latest information relating to a series of public participation activities and sports competitions, please browse our dedicated website.
Guidelines for Participants:
Photo Zone Arrangement and Quota of Photo Pass at Competition Venues:
2601 7673