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大澳文物酒店「Yes, I do.」Facebook 及 Instagram攝影比賽 Tai O Heritage Hotel “Yes, I do.” Facebook & Instagram Photo Contest

大澳文物酒店「Yes, I do.」Facebook 及 Instagram攝影比賽
主題:「Yes, I do.」
方法1) 上載相片Facebook專頁
i. 立即讚好大澳文物酒店 Facebook專頁
ii. 於此留言欄上載以「Yes, I do.」為題的照片,並輸入 ‪#‎yesido‬ ‪#‎tohhhk‬
iii. 回答簡單問題:
a) 您是否曾經到訪過大澳文物酒店 (是/否)?
b) 您是否曾經在大澳文物酒店用餐 (是/否)?
方法 2) 上載相片至Instagram
i. 於Instagram follow @tohh_hk
ii. 上載以「Yes, I do.」為題的照片,並hashtag #yesido #tohhhk 及@tohh_hk
大獎:大澳文物酒店客房免費住宿一晚x 1名
二獎:大澳文物酒店「大澳‧真味下午茶」乙份x 3名
婚宴查詢: +852 2985 8383
Tai O Heritage Hotel “Yes, I do.” Facebook & Instagram Photo Contest
Follow the steps below to join the photo contest, participants who submit the most elegant and romantic photo will stand a chance to win a Complimentary One Night Stay at Tai O Heritage Hotel or Tai O Lookout Tea Set.
Theme: “Yes, I do.”
How to play?
Method 1) Upload the photo via Faceboook:
i. Like Tai O Heritage Hotel Facebook Page
ii. Submit the photo which matches the captioned theme
with hashtags #yesido and #tohhhk via the comment box
under this newsfeed
iii. Answer following questions:
a) Have you been to Tai O Heritage Hotel (Yes /No)?
b) Have you stayed and dined at Tai O Heritage Hotel before
(Yes / No)?
Method 2) Upload the photo via Instagram:
i) Follow us on Instagram: @tohh_hk
ii)Post the photo which matches the captioned theme on
Instagram with hashtags #yesido #tohhhk and @tohh_hk
(*Note: Please set your Instagram account public in order to
join the game.)
1st Prize: Complimentary One Night Stay at Tai O Heritage Hotel x 1
2nd Prize: Complimentary Tai O Lookout Tea Set x 3
Participants must agree to and comply with the terms and conditions of this campaign:
Campaign period: 2 to 15 March 2015
Announcement date: 20 March 2015


1.      “Yes, I do.”Facebook & Instagram攝影比賽的主辦單位是大澳文物酒店。
2.      活動於2015年3月2日至2015年3月15日晚上11時59分舉行。
3.      參加者必須為18歲或以上香港永久性居民及於香港居住,同意及遵守是次活動之條款及細則。
4.      參加者須以Facebook或Instagram用戶帳號讚好並參加活動,並於活動限期內完成活動,方符合獲獎資格。
5.      參加者須於Facebook專頁指定留言欄上載以「Yes, I do.」為題的照片,並輸入 #yesido #tohhhk 或
於Instagram上載以「Yes, I do.」為題的照片,並hashtag # yesido #tohhhk 及@tohh_hk。
6.      得獎結果將於2015年3月20日在大澳文物酒店 Facebook專頁公佈。得獎者須於2015年3月23日前提供聯絡電話,電郵及郵寄地址。獎品將於10個工作天內快遞至得獎者之郵寄地址。詳情將於得獎電郵內公佈。如大澳文物酒店未能於2015年4月6日或之前成功聯絡得獎者,其得獎資格將自動被取消。
7.      負責是次活動的大澳文物酒店員工及其市場推廣合作夥伴不可參加是次活動以示公允。
8.      所有獎品均由主辦單位決定,得獎者不得異議。所有獎品均受有關條款及細則約束,均不可更換、兌換現金、退換其他產品以及不得轉讓。獎品宣傳照片僅供參考。獎品以供應商最終提供的產品為準。
9.      主辦單位、其市場推廣合作夥伴或任何相關人士對活動之獎品 (包括但不限於其質素、售後及維修服務或在任何方面造成之損失或破損),並不承擔任何責任。參加者如對該產品或服務質素有任何查詢或投訴,請直接與相關供應商聯絡。
10.  參加者須確保所提交之個人資料正確,錯誤或不完整的資料將不被處理,如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權及解釋權。
11.  不論是由互聯網用戶,或是任何由技術或人為失誤而產生或導致的相關設備或程序錯誤,引致不正確或不準確的報名數據,主辦單位概不負責。
12.  如發現或合理懷疑有損害參與過程、或干預活動或網站運作,或有違反活動規則的行為及詐騙個案,主辦單位保留最終決定權及取消任何參加人士的參加資格。如有任何參加資格被取消事宜,有關參加者將不另獲事先通知。如發現任何詐騙個案,將可能導致參加者的登記及/或得獎資格被即時取消。
13.  是次活動並非由Facebook及Instagram舉辦、贊助、支持或管理,Facebook及Instagram將不會對參加者的行為承擔任何責任。
14.  所有於活動中提交的照片均不可載有或可能載有違法、不道德、淫猥、色情,煽動性、令人反感、誹謗性、歧視性、冒犯性、侵犯第三者合法權益(包括知識產權)或其他不適宜的內容。大澳文物酒店保留拒絕接受任何提交的照片及決定何謂不恰當內容的獨有及絕對酌情權。
15.  主辦單位保留隨時撤銷是次活動或終止收取參加是次活動資料的權利,並從撤銷或終止活動日期之前收到的合資格資料中選取得獎者。
16.  主辦單位有權隨時更改條款及細則及/或修訂或終止上述一切優惠之權利,而毋須另行通知。若有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。

1. 參加者於是次活動提供之個人資料,只限用於此活動用途,包括結果通知,獎品安排和獎品領取。
2. 參加者提供資料純屬自願,但若參加者未有提供所需資料,其參加活動的資格將被取消。所有收集資料將予以保密處理,並不會透露予第三方。
3. 每位參加者均有權要求查閱其存於主辦單位的個人資料及要求更正任何不準確之個人資料。主辦單位有權就處理任何查閱資料之要求而收取合理費用。任何資料查閱或更正之要求須於最少7個工作天以書面預先通知主辦單位- 香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道尖沙咀中心西翼五樓  香港歷史文物保育建設有限公司市場主任。

1.       Tai O Heritage Hotel is the organiserof “Yes, I do.” Facebook & Instagram Photo Contest.
2.       The game starts from 2 March 2015 and ends at 11:59pm on 15 March 2015.
3.       Participants must be Hong Kongpermanent resident, aged 18 or over and live in Hong Kong. Participants mustagree to and comply with the terms and conditions of this game.
4.       Each participant must like the page and join the game through Facebook or Instagram accountand finish the game within the game period in order to be eligible to be awinner.
5.       Each participant must submit the photo which matches the captionedtheme with hashtags #yesido and #tohhhk via the comment box under the designatednews feed in Facebook; or
Postthe photo which matches the captioned theme on Instagram with hashtags #yesido #tohhhk and @tohh_hk.
6.       Winnersannouncement will be made on 20 March 2015 on Tai O Heritage Hotel Facebook fanpage.Winners should provide their contact no., email and registered mail address by23 March 2015. Prizeswill be sent via courier to the registered mail address of the winners within10 working days after the game period. Prize redemption detailswill be shared via email notification. If Tai OHeritage Hotel is unable to contact the winner on or before 6 April 2015,eligibility of the winner will be disqualified.
7.       To ensure fairness, Tai O HeritageHotel staff and its marketing partnerswho are in charge of the game cannot participant in the game.
8.       All prizes are subject to terms andconditions of suppliers, and they cannot be exchanged, converted into cash,changed to other gifts or transferred to a third party. Photos on thepromotional materials are for reference only. It will be subject to the actualproduct provided by the suppliers.
9.       Tai O Heritage Hotel, its marketingpartners or any other relevant parties will not bear any responsibilityregarding the prizes, including but not limited to their quality, after-salesor repair service, or any loss or damage caused in whatever respect. Anyenquiry or complaint on the prizes or service shall be made to the suppliers directly.
10.   All personal information provided mustbe authentic and truthful. The organiser reserves the right to disqualify anyparticipant who appears to the organiser to have submitted unauthenticinformation or behaved in a fraudulent manner. If there is any dispute, SinoClub reserves the right to make the final decision.
11.   The organiser shall not be responsibleor liable to the participant for any discrepancy, error or inaccuracy inregistered information, caused by or involved in equipment, programme or procedurefailure due to problem of internet, technology or human errors.
12.   Upon any discovery or suspicion offraudulence, interference to the game or operation of internet, system securityor rules violation, on which Tai O Heritage Hotel shall have full and finaldecision and Tai O Heritage Hotel reserves the right to disqualify any participant/winner’s eligibility for the prizewithout prior notice.
13.   This game is not organised, sponsoredor managed by Facebook and Instagram. Facebook and Instagram will not bear anyresponsibility for any action of the participants.
14.   Photo(s)submitted for the game shall not contain any content which is, or is likely tobe unlawful, immoral, obscene, indecent, provocative, objectionable,defamatory, discriminatory, offensive, infringement of legal rights of thirdparty (including intellectual property rights) or otherwise inappropriate. TaiO Heritage Hotel shall have sole and absolute discretion to reject any photo(s)submitted or decide what constitutes inappropriate content.
15.   Tai O Heritage Hotel reserves theright to terminate the game at anytime and select winners fromthe list of eligible participants who enter the game before the terminationdate.
16.   Tai O Heritage Hotel reserves theright to modify the rules / terms and conditions of the game and the right to terminate the abovebenefits without prior notice. If there is any dispute, Tai O Heritage Hotelreserves the right to make the final decision.

Personal DataCollection Statement
1. Personal datacollected from participants will be used for this game only, includingnotification of result, prize arrangement and collection.
2. The supply ofdata by participant is entirely voluntary. However, failure to provide the datarequired will result in disqualification of the participant. Data will betreated as confidential and will not be shared with third parties.
3. Eachparticipant has the right to access his/her personal data and correct anyincorrect data that is held by the organiser. The organiser has the right to collectreasonable administration fee for handling any request for access of personaldata. Any request on access or correct personal data should be made at least 7working days in advance to the organiser at 5/F West Wing, Tsim Sha TsuiCentre, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, for attention of MarketingOfficer, Hong Kong Heritage Conservation Foundation.


