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參加Innisfree「我的綠茶之旅」 與李敏鎬在濟州相遇 ! Apply Innisfree "My Green Tea Tour" and meet oLEE MIN Ho in Jeju Island!

【參加Innisfree「我的綠茶之旅」 與李敏鎬在濟州相遇 !】

Innisfree一年一度的「我的綠茶之旅」活動,立即報名參加,在濟州島與Innisfree 代言人李敏鎬相見,機會難得 ! 

活動報名日期: 5月1日-31日
參加資格: 任何購物滿$100(正價貨品),並成為Innisfree會員 
參加辦法: 每次購物滿$100 (正價貨品),即可獲得抽獎券1張 (購物滿$100可獲1張,滿$388可獲3張。如此類推,多買多送!) 。填妥表格後,交回任何一間Innisfree門市分店之抽獎箱內即可!

大獎(5名): 濟州「我的綠茶之旅」,價值約$15,000
二獎(33 名): 全新升級版綠茶套裝乙套 (標準貨物裝),包括綠茶爽膚水、綠茶乳液、綠茶籽精萃水分菁露、綠茶籽精華眼霜及綠茶籽精華面霜各一支,價值約$850
三獎(100名): 綠茶礦物保濕噴霧150ml 一支,價值約$100

抽獎日期: 2014年6月5日
公布日期: 2014年6月6日;大獎將以電話通知,二及三獎將以短訊通知 (根據抽獎劵上所填寫之個人資料作出聯絡)。所有結果並於6月13日之Standard及星島日報公布。
「我的綠茶之旅」日期: 2014年6月26-28日

- 抽獎禮品不得轉讓,亦不可兌換現金或其他獎品。是次旅行大獎必須由得獎者本人參加,而且必須是年滿十八歲之香港居民。
- 如參加者涉及任何舞弊及/或欺詐成分,Innisfree Hong Kong有權取消參加者資格及/或取消給予任何抽獎禮品。
- 參加者必須確定填寫的資料正確無誤。如得獎者在指定日子中未能成功領獎,則視作放棄領獎。
- 如有任何爭議,Innisfree Hong Kong保留最終決定權。推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼: 43019

Apply Innisfree "My Green Tea Tour" and meet our brand ambassador LEE MIN Ho in Jeju Island! Don't miss this precious chance!

Peroid: May 1 - 31, 2014
How to apply: For any purchase of $100 or above, Innisfree members can get 1 pc of lucky draw ticket. (Eg, $100 get 1 pc, for $ 388 can get 3 pcs). After filling the personal information on the lucky draw ticket, you can return the ticket in all Innisfree shops.

- 1st Prize (5pcs): "My Green Tea" Tour in Jeju Island (valued $15,000)
- 2nd Prize (33pcs): Green Tea Skin, Green Tea Lotion, Green Tea Seed Serum, Green Tea Seed Eyecream, Green Tea Seed Cream (valued $850)
- 3rd Prize (100pcs): Green Tea Mineral Mist 150ml (valued $100)

Lucky Draw Date: June 5, 2014
Announcement Date: June 6, 2014. We will notify the 1st prize winners by phone, the 2nd and 3rd prize winners by SMS message (All notifications will be based the information you provide in the lucky draw ticket). All finalised result will be announced in The Standard and Sing Tao Daily on June 13, 2014.
My Green Tea Tour Date: June 26-28, 2014

Terms & Conditions:
- Prize is not transferrable and cannot be sold to others. It is not refundable or exchange for other prize. The 1st prize - My Green Tea Tour must be attended by the winner and must be aged over 18.
- Innisfree has the right to amend the prize arrangement if participants involve in any fraud.
- Participants must confirm all personal information are provided correct. If winners cannot redeem the prize on time, it will be regarded as give up.
- Innisfree reserves the final decision right in case of any dispute. Trade Promotion Competition License no: 43019


