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惠氏® Wyeth - "孕育愛 守謢愛" 攝影及文字比賽


微電影《孕育愛 守謢愛》中,男女主角為了迎接懷孕這個目標共同奮鬥;現實生活之中,你和另一半為了迎接懷孕目標有否共同作出營養小轉變?我們誠邀你以文字及相片,分享你與另一半在準備懷孕過程的營養小轉變,讓大家可以互相學習外,同時更有機會贏取泰國蘇梅島浪漫之旅及其他豐富獎品!

「孕育愛 守護愛營養小轉變活動」 條款及細則
  • 是次惠氏®Materna®「孕育愛 守護愛營養小轉變」活動由惠氏(香港)控股有限公司(以下簡稱「惠氏®營養品」/「本公司」/「大會」)舉辦。
  • 惠氏®Materna®「孕育愛.守護愛營養小轉變」活動有效日期由即日至2013年7月26日下午11時59分為止 (時間以大會伺服器作準)。
  • 必須為香港及澳門居民。
  • 參加者必須擁有有效的Facebook帳戶方可參加是次活動。∆
  • 參加者以Facebook® 賬戶登入參加惠氏®Materna®「孕育愛 守護愛營養小轉變」活動,即表示參加者同意大會透過Facebook®取得相關資料 (包括你的基本資料、你讚好的項目、你的相片、你的動態消息裡的帖子和你的自訂朋友表單) 。
  • 參加者必須提供活動所需之個人資料,而參加者提供的個人資料必須屬實及正確,不得冒用或盜用他人資料,倘若有關資料不當、不符或不足,參加者的資格將被取消而不獲另行通知。
  • 「惠氏®營養品」所收集的個人資料只限作參加是次活動之用途,並將被保密及於活動結束12個月後被銷毀。除法例規定外,「惠氏®營養品」不會向第三者披露任何個人資料。參加者有權免費要求查閱及更正其個人資料,可致電熱線2599 8870提出有關要求,或發送電郵至 ,或以書面聯絡「惠氏®營養品」顧客服務部(地址:香港港島東英皇道979號太古坊林肯大廈12樓)。
  • 當參加者參與此活動,即代表同意遵守本活動所有條款及細則。
  • 參加者必須同意登入惠氏®Materna®「孕育愛 守護愛營養小轉變」Facebook 應用程式
  • 參加者必須
  • 1) 提供一段文字描述你和你的另一半在準備懷孕時作出的營養小改變 及
  • 2) 上載一張配合文字的圖片 及
  • 3) 填寫有效的個人資料
  • 參加者必須同意所述之條款及細則
  • 參加者必須按「遞交」以完成整個參加程序
  • 審核時如有發現作品不符合有關要求,有機會收到「惠氏®營養品」通知並允許重新遞交作品
  • 遞交作品經審核後方於網站刊出。同時參加者將收到確認電郵通知
  • 參加者參加次數不限
  • 文字:字數限於50至300字內
  • 圖片:每張圖片大小的上限為3MB
  • 圖片格式: JPG
  • 同意登入惠氏®Materna®「孕育愛 守護愛營養小轉變」Facebook 應用程式
  • 投票者的Facebook帳戶須有50個或以上的朋友
  • 每個Facebook帳戶於活動有效期間內只可投同一作品一票
  • 如有發現任何參賽者以不合法或欺詐等不當途徑損害遊戲的公平性或取得選票,「惠氏®營養品」有權在未有通知情況下取消所有可疑票數及其得獎資格
  • 公開網上投票由即日至2013年7月26日晚上11時59分或以前為止。
  • 經審核後的參賽作品會上載到活動網頁作公開投票,網友可登入活動網頁欣賞及投票支持。


Eva Air - Tickets draw weekly

Change the way you see the world! Eva Air has joined Star Alliance! Embark on a special journey with them!

Open your eyes and see a whole new world. EVA AIR has joined the Star Alliance as the only Taiwanese member of the world's largest aviation allicnae. Flights now available to 1328 destinations in 195 countries around the world.

Explore EVA's flight network for the chance to enter the "Weekly Ticket Draw". Select the places you have visited on the right then check-in or share the event to enter. Many unrestricted destination round-trip tickets are being given away every week. Watch the world take off before your very eyes.


Win a trip to Australia to watch The Lions take on the Qantas Wallabies in Sydney

The Standard've teamed up with Qantas, the Official Airline of The Lions 2013, and Destination New South Wales to offer Standard readers the trip of a lifetime to watch The British & Irish Lions take on the Qantas Wallabies in Sydney. Not only will you be able to enjoy the buzz of the final Lions test, you and a friend can enjoy beautiful Sydney with its sparkling harbour, golden beaches, world-class restaurants and fabulous shopping. Visit to find out more.
Match Details
Match:Qantas Wallabies V The British & Irish Lions
Date:6 July, 2013 (Saturday)
Venue:ANZ Stadium, Sydney, Australia

Follow the rugby in Australia with daily flights from Hong Kong, including the award-winning Qantas A380. Stretch out and enjoy impeccable comfort and top in-flight dining. On arrival, count on Qantas to get you around to see The Lions in Australia and catch the sights. Qantas fly to over 50 destinations in Australia, from Brisbane to Perth, and everywhere in between.

Answer the following two questions and enter to get a chance to win a trip for two persons. The winner will be picked after 6:00 pm on June 24 2013.

Which Australian city will the Qantas Wallabies take on The British & Irish Lions in the 3rd test of The Lions 2013 tour to Australia?

Summarise in a maximum of 20 words why you would like to fly with Qantas to see The Lions versus the Qantas Wallabies in Sydney.


Photo competiton - Horlicks

Upload a photo of Horlicks with your food and win a $500 voucher or 20,000 credit card limit!



1. 推廣期由2013年6月14日凌晨零時零分至 2013年7月13日晚上11時59分。一切時間以活動的電話登記系統為準。
2. 抽獎會以電腦隨機形式進行。
3. 是次活動只接受單一電子收據,收據上必須清楚列明所購買之易極無糖薄荷糖名稱、價格及數量。收據如有任何重印、損毀、複印、塗改或偽造,一概當作廢論。
4. 收據日期必須於推廣期內,每張收據只可登記並獲得抽獎機會一次,重覆登記將不作計算,每人參加次數不限。參加者需於登記熱線輸入準確的收據資料、香港身份証號碼首4位數字及香港手提電話。
5. 得獎者將收到專人及SMS短訊通知領獎詳情。得獎者名單將於2013年7月19日刊登於星島日報及英文虎報
6. 得獎者務必將中獎收據正本保留好,並於2013年8月4日或之前帶同下列文件到領獎中心進行登記,否則將會當作自動放棄領奬處理。得奬者須帶同:身分證明文件正本、中獎收據正本、「亞洲萬里通」會員卡正本。中奬收據正本會被收回以作記錄,如有關資料與得奬者於登記熱線內所輸入的不吻合,則得獎資格將被取消。所有得奬者登記之「亞洲萬里通」賬戶須為得奬者本人擁有之有效「亞洲萬里通」賬戶。所有得獎者須自行申請取得「亞洲萬里通」會員卡,申請方式詳見「亞洲萬里通」網頁。
8. 得獎者所獲的獎品不得轉讓他人、不得要求兌換成現金、折讓、更換或任何調整事項,而已領取之獎品亦不可要求退換。
9. 是次抽奬之奬品為「亞洲萬里通」里數;得獎者無論出於任何原因無法享用任何禮品,或在享用禮品過程中遭受人身傷害或財物損失,箭牌(香港)有限公司恕不負責。
10. 若得奬者所填寫或提供之資料不實、不完整或不正確,導致得獎者無法收到得獎通知及活動獎品,箭牌(香港) 有限公司恕不負責。
11. 如有任何因電腦、網絡、電話、技術或不可歸責於箭牌(香港) 有限公司之事由,而使參與者所送出之資料有延遲、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識之情況,箭牌(香港) 有限公司不負責任何法律責任,參與此活動者亦不得因此異議。
12. 參加者所提供的資料僅作是次活動之用。收到的個人資料,將按〈個人資料 (私隱) 條例〉處理。
13. 箭牌(香港) 有限公司及相關主、協辦單位員工,不得參加本活動。
14. 如有任何有關此推廣活動之爭議,箭牌(香港) 有限公司擁有最終決定權。
15. 如有任何查詢,請致電 3612-9018
16. 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:040737

lucky draw - Celebrating 75 years of Ribena

Celebrating 75 years of Ribena! Upon buying Ribena's product for over $20, you are eligible to enter their lucky draw! You can get a chance to win a trip to London or free UA movie tickets or Samsung Galaxy S4!


Towngas - register e-statement and participate in lucky draw


  • 同時管理多個煤氣賬戶
  • 網上繳交煤氣費
  • 網上查閱煤氣用量及繳費紀錄
  • 更改賬戶資料
  • 報讀煤氣錶度數
  • 預約維修
  • 獲取煤氣公司的最新資訊及優惠詳情


大獎(1名):Leica X2數碼相機壹部
二獎(1名):Samsung Galaxy S4智能手機壹部
三獎(3名):海洋公園「智紛全年入場證金卡」一套 (兩名成人及兩名3至11歲小童)



1. 煤氣住宅及商用客戶均可參加抽獎。
2. 在2013年8月31日或以前,客戶如透過網上客戶中心成功登記電子賬單服務,均可
3. 登記電子賬單服務成功與否,以本公司的紀錄為準。
4. 抽獎於2013年9月12日舉行。
5. 抽獎結果於2013年9月19日在「英文虎報」、「星島日報」和本公司網頁
6. 在整個推廣期及領獎期間,得獎者的煤氣賬戶必須仍然有效及使用電子賬單服務,
7. 獎品須由煤氣登記客戶或其授權人領取。
8. 所有獎品均不可兌換現金。
9. 本公司保留刊登得獎者的名單及有關照片作宣傳此次活動的權利。
10. 本公司的僱員均不得參加抽獎。
11. 如有任何爭議,以本公司的最終裁決為準。


As a Towngas eAccount holder, you can enjoy our eBilling services and view your gas bill online. In addition to saving paper and making a contribution to the environment, you will also enjoy the full range of our eService benefits:
  • Managing multiple gas accounts
  • Settling payments online
  • Keeping track of your gas consumption and payment history
  • Managing account settings
  • Reporting meter readings
  • Making maintenance appointments and
  • Obtaining Towngas’ latest news and offers

Go Green! Register for our eBilling Service to win fabulous prizes!
From today until 31 August 2013, you will automatically be entered into our Lucky Draw with the opportunity to win fabulous prizes if you register successfully for our eBilling service. Act now! Sign up a Towngas eAccount and subscribe to eBilling services.

Grand Prize : (1 winner) - Leica X2 camera
2nd Prize : (1 winner) - Samsung Galaxy S4 smart phone
3rd Prize : (3 winners) - Ocean Park Smart Fun Annual Gold Pass (2 adults & 2 children aged 3-11)
4th Prize : (10 winners) – Hotel Dinner Buffet coupon (2pax)
5thPrize : (20 winners) - Supermarket Coupon valued at HK$300

You will receive an email confirming your successful registration within five working days. Once your application has been registered successfully on or before 31 August 2013, it will automatically be entered into the Lucky Draw.
If you have registered for a Towngas eAccount, please login to enjoy the service.
 You can reduce carbon emissions by 316g annually if you use our eBilling service
 for a year in view of the paper and postage saved!

Terms & Conditions

1. Both Residential and Commercial gas account customers are eligible for
    participation in the Lucky Draw.
2. Gas account customers who successfully login to our eService Centre to register
    for our eBilling service on or before 31 August 2013 will automatically be entered
    into the Lucky Draw.
3. Our Company records determine whether an eBilling account has been
    successfully registered.
4. The Lucky Draw will take place on 12 September 2013.
5. Lucky Draw results will be announced on 19 September 2013. Details will be
    published in the Standard and Sing Tao Daily newspapers as well as our
    Towngas website ( Notification letters will also be sent to the
6. Only gas accounts that are valid, have good credit standing and are current users of
    our Towngas eBilling service during the entire promotional period and/or on the day
    of the prize presentation will be eligible for the prize. Otherwise, their winning
    qualification will be cancelled.
7. Only registered gas account holders or their authorised representatives are entitled
     to receive these prizes.
8. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash.
9. The Company reserves the right to publish the winners' names and photographs
     for publicity purposes of the Lucky Draw.
10. Employees of the Company are not eligible to enter the Lucky Draw.
11. In case of dispute, the decision of the Company shall be final and conclusive.

Trade Promotion Competition Licence No: 40928


Free tickets to Europe!

Play Emirates Airline's game now and grab your chance to win tickets to any of Emirates' 34 European destinations!

Terms & Conditions

This promotion is brought to you by Emirates, whose principal office is at Emirates Group Headquarters, PO Box 686, Dubai, United Arab Emirates ("Emirates").
By entering the promotion set out below (the "Promotion") you guarantee that you have the authority to accept (and do accept) these terms and conditions (the "Rules").
Emirates reserves the right to cancel or amend the Rules in its absolute discretion and under the consent from The Office of the Licensing Authority under the Home Affairs Department due to unusual, unforeseeable events beyond Emirates' reasonable control including, but not limited to, any actual, anticipated or alleged breach of any applicable law or regulation.
In the event of any dispute, the decision of Emirates shall be final and binding and no correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.
Qualifying Participant
You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and a resident of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region . in order to enter the Promotion ("Qualifying Participant").
Employees or agents of Emirates or anyone else connected to the Promotion and/or their immediate family is not allowed to participate in the Promotion.
Qualifying Entry
Qualifying Participants that complete and fill in the relevant contact details and finish the EuroPin game at (the "Game Site") between 00:01am on 28 May 2013 and 23:59pm on 17 Jun 2013 (the "Promotion Period") will be eligible for entry in the Promotion pursuant to these Rules (the "Qualifying Entry").
Rules of Entry
All Qualifying Entries made during the Promotion Period will be entered into the Euro Memory competition ("Competition"). You may only enter the Competition once, but participants can play the game to achieve higher scores with unlimited rounds within the Promotion Period (the "Game").
This Promotion is a game with prizes. Prizes will be given to the top three (3) players (the "Winning Entrant(s)") in the score board during the Promotion Period.
If there are more than one participants capture top three (3) positions with the same scores at the end of the Promotion Period, Lucky Draw will be used to determine the Winning Entrants. (i.e. If more than three (3) participants get the first(1st) place with the same scores, Lucky Draw will be used to determine the Winning Entrants for the three (3) Prizes; if more than two (2) participants get the second (2nd) place with the same scores, Lucky Draw will be used to determine the Winning Entrants for the two (2) remaining Prizes, etc.)
Each Winning Entrants will be awarded one (1) return Economy Class flight ticket (the "Prize Tickets").from Hong Kong to any one of the European destinations on Emirates services
The Prize Tickets are valid on Emirates services only and are non-transferable, non-re-routable and non-endorsable to any other airlines and cannot be exchanged for cash.
The Prize Tickets and flights to which they relate will be subject to separate terms and conditions (which you agree to by accepting the Prize Tickets), and are offered on an "as available basis" and to the maximum extent permitted by law. Emirates makes no warranties or representations of any kind, whether express, implied or statutory, with respect to them.
All applicable taxes, airport security charges and fuel surcharge on the Prize Tickets are payable by the Winning Entrants of the Promotion. Each Winning Entrant must also arrange their own insurance cover at their own cost and expense.
Any travel expenses and additional expenses incurred in connection with the utilisation of the Prize Tickets are payable solely by the Winning Entrants.
The Prize Tickets are non-transferable, non-exchangeable, cannot be substituted for cash and not eligible for any stopover.
The Winning Entrants must provide all necessary information to Emirates for issuance of the Prize Tickets and the Prize Tickets must be issued and collected within one month of the notification from Emirates, otherwise they will be forfeited. Travel must be completed within 5 months after the tickets are issued and the maximum stay is 45 days. If a potential Winning Entrant cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim or provide necessary information or collect any Prize Ticket, such Price Tickets will be forfeited.
Participants in this Promotion (including the Winning Entrants) may not assign or transfer all or a part of their rights or benefits granted under this Promotion. No right or benefit assignment or transfer shall be valid. The Winning Entrant may lose its right to utilise the Prize Tickets if he or she does not exercise it within the period set forth by Emirates.
Skywards frequent flyer points will not be accrued on the Prize Tickets.
If there is a Lucky Draw, the Lucky Draw will be held on 28th June 2013 at Emirates Hong Kong office (Address: 11/F, Henley Building, 5 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong).
The Winning Entrants' list will be posted on Sing Tao Daily and The Standard newspaper on 5th July 2013.
Winning Entrants will be contacted by Emirates on or before 12th July 2013 by email on the email address submitted at the time of entering the Promotion.
Winning Entrants must respond within 7 days of the date of the email with confirmation of a valid address and contact number that the redemption letter of the Prize Tickets can be sent to by courier.
Failure to respond within the time period set out by Emirates, or failure to give an address which is valid for a courier company, may result in the forfeiture of the Prize Tickets.
Emirates accepts no responsibility or liability for any Prize Tickets redemption letter which are lost or undelivered by the courier company.
Rules of the Game
One hundred and twenty (120) seconds (the "Game Time") are set to be the time limit for the Game.
The participant that achieves a higher score within the Game Time will be placed higher in the score board.
The Game can be divided into 5 levels. Different numbers of city pictures will be shown for each level. Players need to match 2 pictures of the same city and visual to get the score. The higher the level in the game, the higher the score per correct matching.
Bonus scores are available in this Game:
Each consecutive correct matching will be rewarded bonus scores. The higher the level in the game and the greater the number of consecution, the higher the bonus scores.
Clear a level will be rewarded bonus scores. The higher the level in the game, the higher the scores for level clearing.
There will be a target time for completion of each level. If the level is completed prior to the target time, the remaining time will be converted to bonus points. The higher the level in the game, the higher the scores that can be converted by each millisecond.
Sharing on Facebook will be rewarded with bonus points. Max. 1 Sharing on Facebook bonus scores will be rewarded per Game.
A successful Emirates Skywards member registration will be rewarded bonus scores. The bonus scores will only be awarded after the players input the Skywards member number in the Game Site. Max. 1 Skywards bonus scores will be rewarded per Competition account. The bonus score will be accumulative across the Competition (i.e. the bonus points will be added to the scores of the Competition account for every Game). Emirates reserve the right to verify the Skywards membership of the Winning Entrants in case that the bonus points are involved in the corresponding Game.
Except the Skywards bonus point (term 5), the bonus points are not accumulative (i.e. the bonus points belong to the Game only).
Emirates reserve the right to publish Winning Entrants' names and photographs in regional and/or international press and also to utilize photographs of the winners for advertising and publicity purposes. Winning Entrants shall be featured in such publicity solely upon their express agreement.
Emirates' Liability
Emirates and/or its affiliates are not liable in any way for any costs, expenses, damages, liability or injury arising out of or in any way connected with the Promotion. This exclusion does not include any liability for damages for death or personal injury caused solely by the negligence of Emirates.
Emirates accepts no liability (and excludes all liability) for any loss of profit, business, contracts, revenues or anticipated savings or for special, direct, indirect or consequential loss of any nature howsoever arising.
Emirates shall not be liable to perform any of its obligations under the Promotion where it is unable to do so as a result of circumstances beyond its reasonable control and shall not be liable to compensate you in such circumstances.
You undertake the Promotion at your own risk and agree to indemnify Emirates against all costs, losses, damages, expenses and liabilities (including for loss of reputation and goodwill and professional advisors' fees) and any claim arising from your own actions in any way in connection with the Promotion or a breach of your obligations hereunder.
Personal Information
The personal information that may be collected in connection with the Promotion will be managed and handled in accordance with the Emirate's Privacy Policy.
Any Rules which are held to be invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall whenever allowed by the context be deemed to be replaced by such valid and enforceable terms and conditions whose contents are as close as permissible to those of the invalid or unenforceable Rules.
Participation in this Promotion is void in any country in which it is prohibited or otherwise rendered void by any applicable law or regulation. By allowing you to participate the promotion, we make no representation or warranty that the Promotion is permitted by law in any given country.
These Rules are governed by the laws of and applicable in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

PSY Wiki Korea - Win a trip to Korea~!

PSY teaches you Korean words and shows you what's the hottest trend in Korea now! participate in PSY's Wiki Korea Event in answering about or sharing your knowledge on Korean culture and enter a chance to win a ticket to the Wiki Korea tour! All-inclusive trip to korea with Korean celebrities!

Entey Period: June 3 - July 12
What is your advice on taking Chak-shots in clothing stores?


Philips - photo competition

To celebrate Father's Day, Philip is asking people to submit the coolest look with their fathers! The winner will have a chance to win buffet dinner at Peninsula Hotel!~ 

Philips Father's Day
