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Landmark Iconic bag

What's your most favourite bag? Landmark HK is asking people to share stories about their iconic bag! You will get a chance to win a trip to Paris and 2 nights stay!
 Share with us and tell us why your iconic bag is special to you.

Submission Rules:

Entry to the Competition is open to anyone:
  • aged 18 years and above on the date of entry;
  • ordinarily resident in Hong Kong.
Each participant can share unlimited number of in English or Traditional Chinese. 
Submitted and verified stories will be posted on THEIR STORIES section within 48 hours.
Winner of the best story will win a trip to Paris this summer.
One most captivating story will be selected by Hongkong Land. Result will be posted on in, on 16th May 2013. 
There will be ONE winner in this competition. Winner will be in contact by email. 
Submission of stories for the competition will begin on 19th April 2013 and end at 23:00 on 8th May 2013. 

Prize Detail:

Return Business Class Ticket to Paris 
2-night stay at Mandarin Oriental, Paris

Submission Deadline:

8th May 2013, 23:00 Any entry submitted after the above deadline shall be void.

Terms and Conditions of Bag Story Competition

  1. Registration for the competition must be made via an official application process on, which participants have to join the facebook page of LANDMARK Magazine and “Like” it.
  2. Each participant must be aged 18 years and above on the date of entry, who is an ordinarily resident in Hong Kong.
  3. All submitted stories should feature your treasured iconic bag and tell us why your iconic bag means the world to you. Each participant can share unlimited number of stories in English or Traditional Chinese.
  4. All submitted stories must be original and have not been published before. Participants must submit stories only created by his/her own self. By entering any stories into the competition, and in consideration of Hongkong Land accepting such stories into the competition, the participants warrant that such stories and photos do not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party and the participants have assigned the copyright of such stories to Hongkong Land for its use for any purposes in any places at its sole discretion.
  5. Each participant agrees to indemnify and keep Hongkong Land indemnified for any losses, liabilities and costs which Hongkong Land may incur directly or indirectly as a result of any breach of the terms and conditions on the part of the participant in connection with the stories submitted inclusive but not limited to the infringement of intellectual property rights of third party.
  6. Hongkong Land reserves the right to reproduce, keep or dispose of any of the stories submitted for the competition, edit the descriptions and use of such stories for the purposes of publicity or display (posting on websites) during and after the competition without having to seek any consent from the participants or pay any fee to the participants.
  7. Stories or descriptions containing explicit or implied vulgarity, violence and/or discrimination may be disqualified or removed from our website without prior notice.
  8. Submission of stories for the competition will begin on 19th April 2013 and end at 23:00 on 8th May 2013.
  9. Submitted and verified stories will be posted on, within 48 hours after submission between Monday and Friday. Stories submitted on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays will be posted on the next working day.
  10. All participants are required to fill in their personal particulars – including but not limited to family name, given name, the first 4 numbers of HKID/passport, valid email address and contact number for the purposes of verification and notification. The contact information will also be used for sending promotional materials and information to the participants.
  11. All participants are required to upload a story with a title and a photo of their captivating bag story.
  12. Participants must agree to the terms and conditions and legal and privacy policy of Hongkong Land as provided in
  13. Hongkong Land may, at its discretion, refuse to accept an entry from any person or persons without giving a reason at any time.
  14. Hongkong Land reserves the right to disqualify any participant if: (a) Hongkong Land has reasonable grounds to believe the participant has breached any of the terms and conditions. (b) The information provided does not comply with the terms and conditions.
  15. Hongkong Land does not accept any responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft, destruction, alteration of or unauthorized access to entries, or entries lost or delayed, whether or not arising during operation or transmission, as a result of server functions, viruses, bugs or other causes outside its control.
  16. One most captivating story will be selected by Hongkong Land. Result will be posted on in, on 16th May 2013.
  17. Winners will be rewarded with a round-trip to Paris and 2-night staying in Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Paris.
  18. The prize is non-refundable and non-redeemable for cash, credit or other benefits.
  19. Winner will be notified individually. If the winner cannot be reached on or before 30th June 2013, the prize will be cancelled, with no selection of alternative winners.
  20. All winners are required to present their HKID Card/Passport upon redemption of the prize for verification.
  21. Hongkong Land reserves the right to cancel the competition or amend the terms and conditions without notice to the participants.
  22. Hongkong Land reserves the right to recover from the relevant winners the value of the prizes if Hongkong Land finds any winners do not comply with the terms and conditions after the prizes are given out.
  23. If there are discrepancies between the English and Chinese version of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
  24. The decision of Hongkong Land on all matters relating to, or in connection with, the competition shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.


Bank of East Asia Branding Facebook Lucky draw

Bank of East Asia launched a Facebook lucky draw campaign to draw attention to their new brand image. The campaign starts from 12 April to 10 May. Winner can get 3300 visa credit!

BEA Fun – 「點出繽FUN精彩」有獎遊戲條款及細則

  1. BEA Fun「點出繽FUN精彩」有獎遊戲(「有獎遊戲」)由東亞銀行有限公司(「本行」)主辦, 只供年滿18歲並持有香港身份證之BEA Fun Facebook Fans(粉絲)參加(「合資格參加者」)。任何不符合上述資格之人士均不可參加有獎遊戲。 
  2. 合資格參加者須於BEA Fun Facebook專頁 ( (「BEA Fun」) 按「LIKE/讚好」,方可參加有獎遊戲。
  3. 合資格參加者必須於2013年4月12日至5月10日(包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」)期間登入BEA Fun Facebook 專頁參加有獎遊戲。
  4. 合資格參加者須於限定時間內在「點出繽FUN精彩」的應用程式找到6個icon方為完成有獎遊戲。完成有獎遊戲及提交其Facebook登入賬戶之電郵地址可獲1次抽獎機會。
  5. 推廣期內每位合資格參加者只可獲獎1次,每日最多可獲得抽獎機會1次。
  6. 合資格參加者之得獎與否均由電腦隨機抽籤決定。得獎者不能將獎品換取其他獎品或兌換現金。
  7. 推廣期內有獎遊戲的獎品、得獎者名額及得獎資格均以本行之公佈為準。
  8. 大抽獎將由電腦系統隨機抽選得獎者,有關獎品詳見下表。

    港幣 1,100元東亞銀行信用卡免找數簽賬額
  9. 參加者參加此有獎遊戲純屬自願性質,一切因此有獎遊戲或有關獎賞所構成或引致之責任概與本行無關。本行無須就此承擔任何法律責任或賠償。
  10. 如發現參加者以空號、假賬戶或以任何方式入侵及/或以修改電腦程式的方式參加此有獎遊戲,本行有權取消該參加者的參加及/或得獎資格,並由該參加者承擔一切相關責任及後果。
  11. 參加者參加有獎遊戲即代表其了解、接受及願意遵守本行就有獎遊戲所訂立的條款及細則。如有任何違反此等條款及細則、以不誠實手法參加或進行有獎遊戲及/或造假者,本行有權立即取消其參加及得獎資格,而不作任何通知。
  12. 參加者於參加有獎遊戲之同時,即代表其同意此等條款及細則並同意及接受本行擁有此等條款及細則所述的權利。如有違反者,本行有權取消其參加及/或得獎資格,並對任何違反行為保留追究權利。
  13. 參加者提供的資料屬本行所有,本行有權使用其電郵地址作宣傳用途。
  14. 本行不會對參加者於Facebook的行為承擔任何責任。
  15. 本行並無責任查核Facebook網站的內容,並不會對該網站提供的內容或其設定負責。使用Facebook網站之風險須由參加者自行承擔。參加者使用Facebook即須受Facebook網站之任何條款(包括但不限於有關機密性、資料私隱及保安之條款)規限。此有獎遊戲涉及Facebook,惟並不代表本行同意、推薦、認可、保證或推介任何Facebook及在其網站所提供的服務或產品。除非本行明確表明,否則不可視本行與Facebook有任何形式的合作。
  16. 因任何電腦、網路等技術問題而引致參加者所遞交的資料有任何遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況,本行概不負上任何責任。所有與有獎遊戲有關之日期及時間(包括但不限於參加有獎遊戲之日期及時間、得獎者回覆資料之日期及時間等) 均以BEA Fun的系統報告為準及由本行作最終決定。
  17. 本行就得獎者名單、參加或得獎資格及獎品內容等保留最終決定權。
  18. 本行有權隨時修改此等條款及細則及更改、終止或取消有獎遊戲和其獎品,而無須事先通知。
  19. 如有任何爭議,本行所作的決定為最終及不可推翻,其中包括隨時暫停、更改、終止或取消有獎遊戲及修改其條款及細則而無須事先通知。
  1. 有獎遊戲答案及得獎者名單將於該次有獎遊戲結束後10天內於BEA Fun Facebook專頁內公佈。本行會以電郵確認得獎者,得獎者必須於得獎名單公佈後14天內以電郵回覆本行之得獎確認電郵並提供所需的個人資料,包括 i) 香港身份證上之英文全名,及ii) 於本行信用卡申請表格上提供之聯絡電話,以核實得獎者身份及安排領獎。若得獎者未能於指定限期前提供有關個人資料,或所提供之個人資料有任何錯漏或不實以致本行未能聯絡得獎者或核實其身份,其得獎資格將被取消,其他參加者亦不能作替補。
  2. 參加者對有獎遊戲及本行的評審決定均不得有任何異議。如有任何爭議,本行所作的決定為最終及不可推翻。
  3. 信用卡免找數簽賬額不可兌換現金及不能轉讓。
  4. 得獎者於領獎時必須為東亞銀行信用卡或聯營卡(不包括公司卡、旅遊卡、預繳卡及所有附屬卡)主卡之持卡人(統稱「東亞銀行信用卡持卡人」),而其信用卡賬戶必須維持有效。倘若得獎者並非持卡人,其須於2013年7月31日或之前成功申請東亞銀行信用卡,否則其獲獎資格將被取消。
  5. 本行保留對東亞銀行信用卡申請之最終審核權,有權拒絕接受或批出信用卡申請而無須提供任何原因。
  6. 若本行於送贈獎品後發現得獎者不符合得獎條件或違反此等條款及細則,本行保留向得獎者索回該獎品或其等值賠償之權利。


APM - mother's day drawing competition

APM is holding a drawing competition for mother's day. The mall is collecting mother's day cards until 21 April and there will be a public voting starting from 24 April to 6 May 2013. The competition is classified into Primary, Secondary students and general public! All participants will get stationery or a small gift by APM. Prepare your drawing paper and draw now!


Heineken - Road to the final

Heineken launches Facebook lucky draw campaign - by completing 5 challenges from 2 April 2013, you will get a chance to win a pair of tickets to UEFA Champion Leauge with round trip flight to London!

參加喜力「一路闖越 進軍決賽」遊戲,贏取雙人來回倫敦機票及住宿連歐冠盃決賽入場券!

現場睇歐洲聯賽冠軍盃決賽,係好多球迷夢寐以求嘅體驗,有冇諗過夢想成真? 喜力依家就完成你嘅心願!依家只要 Like 喜力專頁,由4月2 日晚上10時起挑戰「一路闖越,進軍決賽 (Road to the Final)」一系列難關,成為最終優勝者,將可贏取「歐洲聯賽冠軍盃2013溫布萊決賽星級體驗之旅」,帶埋你嘅一位朋友,飛去倫敦現場睇決賽,尊享VIP級禮遇!


Heineken - road to the final campaign

Heineken - road to the final campaign


HK Tatler - Online Readers’ Survey

This April, sincerely invites you to take a few minutes out to participate in our online survey. Let us know your thoughts and receive a chance in winning our special prizes:

1 Bremont Descent Watch (Limited Edition)
1 Apple iPad Mini
50 pairs of VIP tickets to Asia Contemporary Art Show ( May 23rd- 26th, 2013)
The Online Readers’ Survey ends 30 April, 2013. Winners will be contacted individually via email.

British Airways - Best Friend Travel Treat

British Airways is giving out a pair of flight tickets to London! Enter their campaign - Best Friend Travel, select a photo of your favourite hangout in UK, tag a friend and explains why your friend would love it and get your friends to vote! The highest vote will get the prize! 

送你2張來回英國機票! 於4月30日前參加"請摯友,英國遊"分享比賽,上載最鍾意的英國好玩蒲點相片, Tag你的朋友及講出想帶佢去的原因即有機會同你的好友暢遊英國。

Missing your best friend while you are studying in the UK? Enter the "Best Friend Travel Treat" competition. From now until 30 April, upload a picture of your favourite hangout in the UK.

Tag a friend and tell us why they would love it!

Get votes for a chance to win a pair of return tickets from Hong Kong to the UK!

Best Friend Travel Treat Terms & Conditions

  • Promotion Period: 28 March to 30 April 2013.
  • Prize: British Airways return tickets in World Traveller economy class for 2 persons from Hong Kong to the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions apply on the prize tickets.
  • Submission deadline: 30 April 2013 11:59PM (HKT).
  • Judging criteria are as follows: 50% highest vote + 50% British Airways judgment.
  • There is no maximum number of submissions per participant.
  • Participants must provide eligible contact information to enter the promotion.
  • Results will be announced on British Airways Hong Kong's Facebook Page on 7 May 2013.
  • Winner will be notified by email.
  • British Airways reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this promotional offer and terminate the promotion at any time without prior notice.
  • In the event of any dispute, the decision of British Airways shall be final and binding.
  • This Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook.
  • British Airways staff & relatives shall not participate in this promotion.
  • British Airways reserves the right to use the submitted materials for publicity and in any marketing and promotional material.
  • Declaration: British Airways reserves the right to publish the winner's name and the first 4 digits of HKID for the purposes of announcing the winner.


  • 推廣期由2013年3月28日至4月30日。
  • 獎品為英國航空World Traveller 經濟客位香港來回英國機票兩張。機票獎賞受有關條款及細則約束
  • 作品截止提交時間為2013年4月30日晚上11時59分(HKT)。
  • 評選標準:50%最高票數及50%由英國航空甄選決定。
  • 每位參賽者的參加次數不限。
  • 參賽者必須提供有效之聯絡資料方可參加比賽。
  • 得獎結果將於2013年5月7日在英國航空香港Facebook專頁公布。
  • 得獎者將獲電郵通知領獎。
  • 英國航空保留更改是次推廣活動規則與條款以及終止有關活動之決議權,毋須事先通知。
  • 如有任何爭議,概以英國航空之決定為準。此推廣活動中,Facebook 沒有以任何方式贊助、認可、管理或與合辦。
  • 英國航空之員工及家屬不可參與此次活動。
  • 英國航空保留使用參賽者提供的資料作公開市場推廣及宣傳之權利。
  • 聲明:英國航空有權刊登得獎者姓名及身份證首4位數字,以作公布得獎名單之用。
