送你2張來回英國機票! 於4月30日前參加"請摯友,英國遊"分享比賽,上載最鍾意的英國好玩蒲點相片, Tag你的朋友及講出想帶佢去的原因即有機會同你的好友暢遊英國。http://bit.ly/YDTbE8
Missing your best friend while you are studying in the UK? Enter the "Best Friend Travel Treat" competition. From now until 30 April, upload a picture of your favourite hangout in the UK.
Tag a friend and tell us why they would love it!
Get votes for a chance to win a pair of return tickets from Hong Kong to the UK! http://bit.ly/ZuMcwO
Missing your best friend while you are studying in the UK? Enter the "Best Friend Travel Treat" competition. From now until 30 April, upload a picture of your favourite hangout in the UK.
Tag a friend and tell us why they would love it!
Get votes for a chance to win a pair of return tickets from Hong Kong to the UK! http://bit.ly/ZuMcwO
- Promotion Period: 28 March to 30 April 2013.
- Prize: British Airways return tickets in World Traveller economy class for 2 persons from Hong Kong to the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions apply on the prize tickets.
- Submission deadline: 30 April 2013 11:59PM (HKT).
- Judging criteria are as follows: 50% highest vote + 50% British Airways judgment.
- There is no maximum number of submissions per participant.
- Participants must provide eligible contact information to enter the promotion.
- Results will be announced on British Airways Hong Kong's Facebook Page on 7 May 2013.
- Winner will be notified by email.
- British Airways reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this promotional offer and terminate the promotion at any time without prior notice.
- In the event of any dispute, the decision of British Airways shall be final and binding.
- This Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook.
- British Airways staff & relatives shall not participate in this promotion.
- British Airways reserves the right to use the submitted materials for publicity and in any marketing and promotional material.
- Declaration: British Airways reserves the right to publish the winner's name and the first 4 digits of HKID for the purposes of announcing the winner.
- 推廣期由2013年3月28日至4月30日。
- 獎品為英國航空World Traveller 經濟客位香港來回英國機票兩張。機票獎賞受有關條款及細則約束。
- 作品截止提交時間為2013年4月30日晚上11時59分(HKT)。
- 評選標準:50%最高票數及50%由英國航空甄選決定。
- 每位參賽者的參加次數不限。
- 參賽者必須提供有效之聯絡資料方可參加比賽。
- 得獎結果將於2013年5月7日在英國航空香港Facebook專頁公布。
- 得獎者將獲電郵通知領獎。
- 英國航空保留更改是次推廣活動規則與條款以及終止有關活動之決議權,毋須事先通知。
- 如有任何爭議,概以英國航空之決定為準。此推廣活動中,Facebook 沒有以任何方式贊助、認可、管理或與合辦。
- 英國航空之員工及家屬不可參與此次活動。
- 英國航空保留使用參賽者提供的資料作公開市場推廣及宣傳之權利。
- 聲明:英國航空有權刊登得獎者姓名及身份證首4位數字,以作公布得獎名單之用。