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Aggreg8 Short Film Competition

Don't forget the Aggreg8 Short Film Competition - the "next minute" is due at 6pm on Feb 18th. The theme is "My Ocean". Be creative to follow on with Sharon Kwok's first minute to set the stage, but you can take it anywhere you want. Winners each week win a helicopter ride and a free dive certification course! Voting is on the HK Magazine website, under Aggreg8.

第二輪電影拍攝比賽即將展開, 是次比賽會在二月十八日截止提交作品。參加者可藉新年假期的空檔時間, 努力製作短片。優勝者可得到的獎品非常豐富, 包括免費坐直昇機傲遊天際一覽香港風景以及潛水課程(具文憑)!!把握機會參與這次電影拍攝比賽 為我們提供"第二分鐘"!!

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Aggreg8 Short Film Competition


