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玩遊戲贏林家謙親筆簽名海報或相册 - Standard Chartered Bank


【參加遊戲 贏取林家謙親筆簽名海報及影集】​
想私藏新鮮出爐攞咗唱作人金獎嘅家謙喺渣打Easy Banking廣告嘅文青相,唔使靠Cap圖嘅!​

3. 分享此post到IG story,並截圖以作領獎認證記錄​


想同 @terencelam0903一樣,掌握自己生活節奏,就要開立渣打Easy Banking,只須一個手機app就可以處理各種理財大小事,體驗依時、依地、依我。​
即刻Click link in Bio: 了解更多啦!​


#林家謙 #EasyBanking #依時 #依地 #依我 #StandardCharteredHK #SCMobile


  1. 【玩遊戲贏林家謙親筆簽名海報或相册】抽獎(「本活動」)之活動日期為2022年1月3日下午6時00分至2022年1月16日下午11時59分(香港本地時間)(「活動期」)。
  2. 參加資格:
    i) 年滿18歲; 及
    ii) 根據Standard Chartered Hong Kong Instagram專頁發放的專帖(「活動專帖」)的指示,於2022年1月16日下午11時59分(香港標準時間)或之前在活動專帖完成以下步驟(「有效參賽作品」),方可自動參與本活動之抽獎。該指示包括︰
    a) 先「Follow」Standard Chartered Hong Kong Instagram專頁
    b) 觀賞廣告後,於留言欄分享你最鍾意的一幕及原因
    c) 分享此活動專帖到IG story,並截圖以作領獎認證記錄


  1. 是次活動有關的渣打銀行(香港)有限公司(「本行」)之公司員工、供應商、機構、及其家屬成員均不合資格參加是次活動,以示公允。
  2. 抽獎將於2022年1月24日 舉行,由本行於合資格參加者中抽取150位得獎者,各得獎者可獲林家謙親筆簽名海報1張(供100名得獎者)或林家謙親筆簽名相册1本(供50名得獎者)(「獎品」)。
  3. 於活動期內無論同一Instagram用戶提交多少次有效參賽作品,每位Instagram用戶只能獲得一次抽獎機會。不論任何原因,合資格參加者參與抽獎超過一次,只能獲得一次抽獎機會。
  4. 得獎結果將於2022年1月24日於活動專帖內的留言欄公佈。得奬者必須於被標誌之得獎留言發出後的48小時內,根據留言之指示向本行發送Instagram訊息以領獎(「得獎者回覆」)。本行會隨即透過Instagram向得奬者發放得獎參考編號及兌換詳情。得奬者需於領取獎品期間出示得獎參考編號以兌換獎品。
  5. 若得奬者因任何原因未能於48小時內給本行發送得獎者回覆,或本行沒有接收到得獎者回覆以聯絡領獎,得獎資格將會自動取消而毌須事先通知,本行不承擔任何責任,亦不會再出任何賠償。同時,本行會轉讓該獎品予其餘候選參加者。
  6. 本行收到得獎者回覆後,本行將向得獎者提供認領詳情。得獎者如於2022年1月26日仍未收到認領詳情,請於2022年1月28日前通知本行;否則,得獎資格將會自動取消而毌須事先通知,本行不承擔任何責任,亦不會再出任何賠償。
  7. 所有獎品不能更改 、不可退回及不能兌換現金。本行保留權利以其他禮品/優惠取代禮品,而毋須另行通知。
  8. 如有任何舞弊或欺詐成份,本行會即時取消該客戶參與本活動的資格。如發現有任何懷疑欺詐、盜用或舞弊,本行保留取消參加者參加及得到獎的絕對權利而毌須事先通知。
  9. 參加者提交或張貼之留言如含有色情、暴力、裸露或任何不適當之內容,或含有誹謗、毀謗、淫褻、侮辱、中傷、煽動、威嚇之內容,本行有權取消其參加資格,並有權將留言從Standard Chartered Hong Kong Instagram專頁直接刪除。本行對條款10及條款11所提及之參加者保留法律追訴權。
  10. 本行保留隨時修訂或更改本活動之條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,本行保留一切最終決定權。
  11. 中英文版之內容如有歧義,概以英文版本為準。

Promotion Terms and Conditions for【Play Game to win a Terence Lam Autographed Photo Album or Poster】Lucky Draw

  1. 【Play Game to win a Terence Lam Autographed Photo Album or PosterLucky Draw (the “Campaign”) will be held from 3 January 2022 (at 6:00pm) to 16 January 2022 (at 11:59pm) (Hong Kong Time) (the “Campaign Period”).
  2. Entry eligibility:
    To be eligible for the Campaign and the lucky draw chance, participants need to meet the following conditions (“Eligible Participants”):
    i) Must be 18 years old or above; and
    ii) Follow the instructions set out in this Campaign post (the “Campaign Post”) on the Instagram Fan Page of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) and leave a comment under the Campaign Post by 16 January 2022 11:59pm (HKT) ( “Qualified Submission”). Such instructions include:
    a) First, “Follow” Standard Chartered Hong Kong Instagram Fan Page.
    b) Then, share your favourite scene and the reason(s) after watching the video ad.
    c) Finally, share this Campaign Post to IG Story and take a screen cap as record for verification upon gift redemption.

By submitting the Qualified Submission, Eligible Participants accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Any late submission or any submission that does not comply with the instructions set out in the Campaign Post and these terms and conditions will not be considered as a “Qualified Submission”.

  1. Parties associated with this Campaign, including employees of the Bank, the suppliers and agencies involved in the Campaign, and their immediate families are not eligible for this Campaign.
  2. The lucky draw under this Campaign will be held by the Bank on 24 January 2022, whereby 150 winners (“Winners”) will be drawn randomly from the pool of Eligible Participants. Each Winner will be entitled to either ONE Terence Lam Autographed Poster (Total 100 winners) or ONE Terence Lam Autographed Photo Album (Total 50 winners) (the “Prize”).
  3. Each Instagram account can only participate in the Campaign once and will be entitled to only one entry to the lucky draw regardless of the number of Qualified Submission it makes during the Campaign Period. Should an Instagram account be entered into the lucky draw more than once for whatever reason, only one entry will be valid.
  4. The lucky draw results will be announced under the comment in the Campaign Post in the Bank’s Instagram Fan Page on 24 January 2022. Winners must send a private Instagram message to the Bank within 48 hours after the lucky draw result announcement tagging the Winners in accordance with the instructions (the “Winner’s Reply”). The Bank will distribute the Winner’s reference number and redemption details via Instagram messenger accordingly. The Winners also need to show the Winner’s reference number when redeeming the prize.
  5. If the Winner fails to send the Winner’s Reply to the Bank for whatever reason within 48 hours, the Winner will be disqualified and his/her Prize will be forfeited without prior notice, and the Bank accepts no liability and will not be liable for any compensation. The Bank will be entitled to award the Prize to an alternate Winner.
  6. After receipt of the Winner’s Reply, the Bank will contact the Winner to provide him/her with the redemption details of the Prize. Winners shall notify the Bank on or before 26 January 2022 if they have not received the redemption details of the Prize by 28 January 2022 ; otherwise, the Prize will be forfeited without prior notice, and the Bank accepts no liability and will not be liable for any compensation.
  7. All Prizes are non-exchangeable, not returnable and cannot be redeemed for cash. The Bank reserves the right to replace the Prize with alternative gift/offer without prior notice.
  8. Fraud and abuse will result in forfeiture of a participant’s eligibility to participate in the Campaign. In case there is any suspicious abuse, misuse or fraud (including false or invalid identity of participants), the Bank reserves the absolute right to forfeit the participants’ eligibility to participate in the Campaign and/or entitlement to the Prize without prior notice.
  9. The Bank reserves the right to forfeit the eligibility of participants who submit, post or leave any comment, the content of which is, in the opinion of the Bank, inappropriate or otherwise relating to sex or violence or the language of which may lead to libel, defamation, obscenity, abuse, incitement or intimidation and the Bank shall have the right to delete any such contents from the Bank’s Instagram Fan Page. The Bank reserves all its rights against those participants having committed actions as mentioned in Clause 10 and this Clause 11.
  10. The Bank reserves the right to vary, modify and terminate the Campaign and to amend any of these terms and conditions at any time without any notice. In case of dispute, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding.
  11. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.


