Join here:
Mobile: gift card code - misaki
Marks and Spencer 25th anniversary lucky draw in Hong Kong
Marks and Spencer and UMagazine launch a lucky draw to celebrate its 25th anniversary in Hong Kong! You can login to Facebook and join their campaign and win $2500 for crazy shopping in M&S by leaving the most unforgettable M&S product and reason!
FX Street contest - Trader of the year
Open an AFB FX MT 4 Demo account and participate in the Trader of the Year Demo Contest, you can win a real account with AFBFX!
Join here:
1st Prize
5,000 USDLive trading account* with AFB FX
- A 5 1/2 workshop series:Trading Essentials + The "Other 95%"by fxKnight
- Steve Primo's Forex Collegeby Pro Trader Strategies
- One month subscription toBK Forex signals
- Owned subscription toGenetic TradeSystem Builder from StrategyQuant
2nd Prize
2,000 USDLive trading account* with AFB FX
- A 1h50 workshop series:Trading Essentials byfxKnight
- 40 Forex trading lessons byPro Trader Strategies
- 1 year free service toCurrency Trading Systemsby Currensys (Multicharts, esignal and ninjatrader Platforms)
- 3-months subscription toGenetic Builder fromStrategyQuant
3rd Prize
- A 2h30 workshop series:The "Other 95%†byfxKnight
- 40 Forex trading lessons byPro Trader Strategies
- 3-months subscription toGenetic Builder fromStrategyQuant
Join here:
Jetstar challenge - win a trip!
「世界遊王.挑戰賽」贏取畢生難忘之旅,Jetstar 讓您和夢想起飛!
咁正嘅活動,記得同朋友 share 喎!
Win a trip of a lifetime and Take On The World with Jetstar!
We all have someone, something or somewhere special waiting for us out there. What's yours? Tell us your experience and you and your travel companions could be jetting off on the trip of a lifetime as Jetstar ambassadors. Jetstar will also provide you with what you need to capture your story and inspire others to fulfil their travel dreams. Click here to find out more
Win a trip of a lifetime and Take On The World with Jetstar!
We all have someone, something or somewhere special waiting for us out there. What's yours? Tell us your experience and you and your travel companions could be jetting off on the trip of a lifetime as Jetstar ambassadors. Jetstar will also provide you with what you need to capture your story and inspire others to fulfil their travel dreams. Click here to find out more
Une nana cool HK - fun snap
une nana cool HK launches a photo contest with the theme of "FUN FUN Week happy feel". Send your snapshot with max 50 words description to k and join! Please include your facebook name, Eng name and contact no! The one with most LIKE will win HKD 2,000 merchanise from une nana cool!
成為une nana cool Hong Kong facebook粉絲, 分享以主題為“FUN FUN WEEK的快樂感!” 的Snapshot 創意照片(不一定影內衣, 可以是任何內容), 並附以50以內的文字描述(必須貼題),電郵至 k 參加是次活動。(敬請連同facebook名字、英文全 名及聯絡電話)
所有照片及文字經審批後會發佈於 une nana cool Hong Kong facebook作公開投票(投票者亦需為 une nana cool Hong Kong facebook粉絲), 參加者相片會以facebook最多「like」、創意 、貼題和美感等標準為評審準則選擇得獎相片。每位參加者 提交的作品數量不限, 但只計算最高讚好數量為最終作品, 結果將於 31/ 5 /2013 於une nana cool Hong Kong facebook公佈, 得獎者亦會有專人通知。
冠軍(1名) – 總值 $2,000 之une nana cool商品
亞軍(1名) – 總值 $1,500 之une nana cool商品
季軍(1名) – 總值 $1,000 une nana cool商品
特別獎(2名) –FUN FUN WEEK乙套
* une nana cool Hong Kong 保留此活動的最終決定權
* 參加者必須確保其照片之原創性並同意參賽相片可作宣傳之 用
* 參加者必須保證所有提交之資料真實正確,且未冒用或盜用 任何第三方之資料
* 所有禮品均不得更換或兌換現金
成為une nana cool Hong Kong facebook粉絲, 分享以主題為“FUN FUN WEEK的快樂感!” 的Snapshot 創意照片(不一定影內衣, 可以是任何內容), 並附以50以內的文字描述(必須貼題),電郵至
所有照片及文字經審批後會發佈於 une nana cool Hong Kong facebook作公開投票(投票者亦需為 une nana cool Hong Kong facebook粉絲), 參加者相片會以facebook最多「like」、創意
冠軍(1名) – 總值 $2,000 之une nana cool商品
亞軍(1名) – 總值 $1,500 之une nana cool商品
季軍(1名) – 總值 $1,000 une nana cool商品
特別獎(2名) –FUN FUN WEEK乙套
* une nana cool Hong Kong 保留此活動的最終決定權
* 參加者必須確保其照片之原創性並同意參賽相片可作宣傳之
* 參加者必須保證所有提交之資料真實正確,且未冒用或盜用
* 所有禮品均不得更換或兌換現金
Air New Zealand - New thrills, new sights, new inspiration
Simply answer a question by Air New Zealand and get a chance to win $6000 souvenior of New Zealand. HK artist Cheuk Wan Chi was invited by Air New Zealand to go on her first trip to NZ on business class! On the plane she enjoyed luxurious services, great wine and cuisine! What kind of service would you like to get if you're on the plane? The game ends on 23 May. Fill out your answer here:
卓韻芝首個新西蘭之旅,由南島的 Queenstown 開始一直北上, 逐個城市遊樂,在這個戶外活動天堂滿載而歸!一齊直擊她的 新西蘭南島精華遊,更有機會得到阿芝由新西蘭帶給大家的 手信 (總值約港幣$6,000) ! | ||
立即填妥以下表格,回答簡單問題,即有機會贏取特色手信: | ||
阿芝首次體驗新西蘭航空的豪華公務艙服務,更品嚐得獎美酒與佳餚。你又最期待於空中享受我們提供的什麼服務呢? |
1. 參與推廣活動的資料受部分條款及細則約束。任何不符條款及細則所要求的資料將視作無效。一旦參加本活動,即視同接受這些條款及細則。
2. 此推廣活動主辦公司為新西蘭航空,地址為香港皇后大道中 99 號中環中心 51 樓5111-12 室(下稱「主辦公司」)。
3. 此推廣活動中,Facebook 沒有以任何方式贊助、認可、管理或與合辦。
4. 此推廣活動於2013年5月9日星期四下午五時正(香港時間)開始,並於2013年5月23日星期四下午五時正(香港時間)結束(下稱「推廣期」)。
5. 參加者必須為年滿18歲或以上的香港居民,並符合這些條款和細則要求。主辦公司的董事及僱員與其直系親屬、參與代理人及其機構均不可參與本次推廣活動。主辦公司保留權利以查證每位參加者的參加資格。主辦公司亦保留權利取消任何於活動過程中竄改資料的參加者。
6. 要符合評審資格,參加者必須: (a) 到 按「讚好」。 (b)透過推廣活動的設置,回答新西蘭航空提供有關活動主題的問題 (字數不限)。 (c) 參加者必須於網上相應欄位提供其姓名(須與香港身份証上相同) 及電郵地址。(d)他們必須接受這些條款及細則並按一下「遞交」以提交參加資料。
7. 新西蘭航空將於推廣期內推出三條有關活動主題的問題,並分別於5月14日及5月19日中午十二時正更新。參加者只須回答其中一條問題,即有機會贏取獎品。
8. 所有參加資料將根據以上第 7 條提及的問題所作出的答案內容、創意度和啟發性而作出評審。新西蘭航空將於每個階段選出5位得獎者,整個活動合共送出15份獎品。
10. 得獎者將獲得由卓韻芝於新西蘭購買的手信當中的其中一項。手信由新西蘭航空分配,參加者不得異議。
11. 得獎者將於得獎結果公佈後七日內收到由新西蘭航空寄出的有關電郵通知,得獎者須回覆電郵確定並按照電郵內的指定方法領獎。如果得獎者沒有領取獎項,獎品將被沒收。領取獎品時可能需要出示身分、年齡和居住證明。
12. 主辦公司保留權利以同等或更高價值的獎項代替原先的獎項,而得獎者將因應有關規定收到相關通知。
13. 除了不能通過法律豁免的責任,主辦公司(包括其官方人員、員工和代理商)對任何獎品相關活動,無論直接、間接、特殊性或相應的導致之全部或部分人身或財產毀壞、損失或受傷豁免所有責任(包括疏忽)。任何獎品相關活動包括,但不限於,下列其中所產生的:(a) 任何技術問題或設備故障(無論是否由主辦公司控制);(b) 任何盜竊、非法訪問或第三方干擾;(c) 因主辦公司合理控制範圍以外的任何原因所導致的任何延遲、丟失、更改、損壞或受誤導(無論是否收到主辦公司的收據)的參加或領獎;(d) 任何在本條款及細則提及的獎品價值變化;(e) 得獎者或參加者所產生的任何稅務責任;或 (f) 使用獎項。
14. 如在任何情況下推廣活動不能如計劃進行(包括但不限於),包括感染電腦病毒、瑕疵、篡改、非法干擾、詐欺、技術問題或任何主辦公司可控制範圍外的其他原 因,以致破壞、損及或影響本推廣活動的行政、安全、公正、完整或恰當行為,則主辦公司有權(根據適用法律作出的任何書面指示)對篡改參加資料的人士取消其 資格,並自行取消、終止、修改或暫停推廣活動。
15. 得獎者必須應主辦公司的合理要求提供證明,向其展示得獎者是一名合資格的參加者,並遵守本條款及細則。
16. 新西蘭航空將按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》處理所收集的個人資料。參加者所提供之個人資料(包括參加者的姓名和電郵地址)除供是次推廣活動之用,如獲參加者同意,會用作直接促銷。主辦公司將不會發放收集到的個人資料。參加者可以於任何時候查詢或更改其的個人資料或取消有關同意,但須給予新西蘭航空通告,請聯絡新西蘭航空人員[地址:香港皇后大道中 99 號中環中心 51 樓5111-12 室] 。
17. 如有任何爭議,新西蘭航空將保留最終決定權。
HSBC mobile app lucky draw
From now until 21 June 2013, simply download the HSBC mobile app and play the game to get a chance to win a Samsung GALAXY S4 or HKD 10 rebate for downloading your apps on apple store or Google play~!
Sync with me game:
Sync with me game:
- The Promotional Period of the HSBC sync with me programme (the "Programme") is from 9 May 2013 to 21 June 2013, both dates inclusive (the "Promotional Period"). The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong (the "Bank") reserves the right to change the Promotional Period at its discretion.
- The offers under this promotion (collectively, the "Offers") are exclusive to existing personal customers of the Bank (the "Eligible Customers") who must:(a) be aged 18 or above on 9 May 2013; AND(b) not be an employee (full or part-time) of the Bank or any of its subsidiaries; AND(c) successfully complete the Lucky Draw (the "Lucky Draw") registration form (the "Registration Form") and submit the required personal information at the end of the sync with me game (the "Game"); AND(d) fulfill the customer eligibility as stipulated in clause 1 under Section A - HSBC sync with me Lucky Draw and clause 1 under Section B - HSBC sync with me spending rebate (the "Spending Rebate") to enjoy the respective Offers under Section A and Section B.
- The Bank will not be liable to any participant who fails to submit their personal information for the Programme including but not limited to as a result of any technical problems or other unsuccessful connection to the Game and Registration Form. The dates appearing in the Bank's record will be final and conclusive as to the date on which the submission was carried out.
- The Game and the Registration Form are supported by the following mobile models or devices: iPhone 4 and above, iPad, LG Optimus G, HTC Desire X, HTC Sensation, HTC Velocity, Samsung GALAXY Note I, Samsung GALAXY Note II, Samsung GALAXY S II, Samsung GALAXY S III, Samsung GALAXY S4, Samsung GALAXY Nexus, Google Nexus 7 and Sony Xperia™ Z. A reference number will be provided once the Registration Form is submitted successfully. Please keep the reference number for future enquiries.
- In order to be eligible for the Offers, Eligible Customers must maintain their accounts as stipulated in clause 1 under Sections A and B valid and in good standing as in the Bank's record during the Promotional Period and at the time of Offers fulfillment.
- Eligible Customer's personal information under the Bank's record must be valid during the Promotional Period and at the time of Offers fulfillment to receive the Offers.
- In the event of any dispute arising from the Programme, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive.
- Each participant agrees that they shall enter the Programme at their own risk and shall be responsible for all risks of participating in the Programme. The Bank shall not be liable for any damages, losses, claims, costs or proceedings incurred or suffered by the participants or the winners as a result of their participation.
- If the Bank discovers at any time, whether after or during the Promotion Period, that any participant or the winner has submitted false or misleading information or failed to comply with these terms and conditions, the Bank is entitled to disqualify the participant from participating in the Programme and is entitled to forfeit the Eligible Customer's entitlement to the Offers.
- If the Bank reasonably believes that any participant has been using or abetting others to use inappropriate method or committing fraud to interrupt operation and interfere any part of the Programme, causing technical problems, disorders, jeopardising, damaging or affecting running of the Programme, its accuracy, fairness or smooth operation or the Bank detects any invalid or incomplete data entry at the back-end or front-end, the Bank reserves all right to disqualify the participant and claim for any damage and loss suffered by the Bank from the participant.
- The Programme is subject to prevailing legal and regulatory requirements.
- All personal data collected by the Bank shall be kept confidential.
- The purposes for which the data may be used by the Bank are: (i) to contact the participant in the event that they are drawn as the winner of the Lucky Draw; and (ii) to verify the winner's customer eligibility under this Programme.
- Personal data will be collected by the Bank in accordance with the Bank's privacy policy.
- The Bank reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and the Bank reserves the right to change the prizes in the Spending Rebate and Lucky Draw to an offer or prize of equivalent value at its discretion without prior notice.
- The Programme are held within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("HKSAR") and these terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of HKSAR and each participant submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of HKSAR.
- In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
- The Lucky Draw is only eligible to principal account holders or primary card holders of any of the following accounts:(a) The Integrated Account - HSBC Premier, HSBC Advance or Personal Integrated Account(b) Standalone investment account(c) Standalone savings account(d) Standalone current account(e) Standalone Revolving Credit Facility account(f) HSBC Credit Card accounts as stipulated in clause 1 under Section B
- Each successful Registration Form submission represents one Lucky Draw entry. Each Eligible Customer will only be entitled to one lucky draw entry irrespective of the number of successful submissions on the same day.
- The Lucky Draw will cut off at 11:59pm each day (the "Cut-off Time") during the Promotional Period, and Eligible customers must successfully submit the Registration Form before the Cut-off Time to be eligible for the Lucky Draw for that day. One Samsung GALAXY S4 smartphone (the "Lucky Draw Prize") will be given out to one winner each day and the Lucky Draw Prize will be drawn randomly by computer. Each Eligible Customer may receive more than one Lucky Draw Prize throughout the Promotional Period if Eligible Customer successfully submitted the Registration Form in more than one day.
- The winner shall receive a notification letter mailed on or before 31 August 2013 to the Eligible Customer's local correspondence address according to the registered account in the Bank's record at the time of mailing. In the event of invalid address in the registered account, a local correspondence address according the Bank's latest record as maintained by the Eligible Customer will be chosen. Winners must proceed with the notification letter to collect the Lucky Draw Prize at the designated redemption centre on or before 30 September 2013.
- If the Lucky Draw Prize is not collected from the date of the notification letter as referred in Section A clause 4, the Bank reserves the right to cancel the award of the Lucky Draw Prize without any further notice.
- Participants agree and consent that if he/she is the winner of the Lucky Draw, his/her surname, initials and first 4 digits of contact phone number disclosed to general public. The lucky draw results will be announced on the Programme website ( on or before 31 August 2013.
- Winners may be invited to attend a prize presentation ceremony in which the Bank shall have the right to publish event photos of winners taken at the prize presentation ceremony on the Programme website or other media release.
- The Lucky Draw Prize drawn cannot be changed or exchanged for cash. The Lucky Draw Prizes are non-replaceable, non-refundable, non-transferrable and non-returnable.
- The Bank accepts no liability or responsibility for any matters relating to the Lucky Draw Prize including the quality of the products and/or services provided by the supplying merchants.
(B) HSBC sync with me spending rebate terms and conditions
- The Spending Rebate is only eligible to Eligible Customers who are primary holders of any of following personal credit cards issued by the Bank in Hong Kong (the "Eligible Credit Card"):(a) HSBC Premier MasterCard® credit card(b) HSBC Advance Visa Platinum Card(c) HSBC Visa Platinum card(d) HSBC UnionPay Dual Currency credit card (applicable to Hong Kong Dollar sub-account only)(e) HSBC green credit card(f) HSBC Gold card(g) HSBC Classic card(h) iCAN Card
- Upon successful completion of the Game and submission of the Registration Form, Eligible Customers will automatically be deemed to have registered for the HKD10 Spending Rebate. No separate registration is required.
- To receive the HKD10 Spending Rebate, Eligible Customers must use one of the Eligible Credit Card and successfully purchase any app or music through the official Apple App Store or Google Play™ on or before 31 July 2013.
- The HKD10 Spending Rebate will be automatically credited by 30 September 2013 (the "Credit Date") to the Eligible Credit Card account that the Eligible Customer used to perform the app or music purchase without further notice. No other forms of notification (such as by phone or letter) will be made by the Bank.
- Each Eligible Customer will be entitled to only a one time HKD10 Spending Rebate during the Promotional Period.
- If more than one app or music transactions are made under one or more than one of the Eligible Credit Card(s), the Spending Rebate will be credited according to the priority as in the sequence stipulated in clause 1 under Section B. If the Eligible Customer does not hold any one of the aforementioned credit card accounts on the Credit Date, the Spending Rebate will be forfeited without further notice.
- The transaction amount of the app or music purchase referred to in Clause 3 in Section B shall be reduced by the amount of the Spending Rebate in determining the amount of RewardCash to be awarded for the app or music purchase. Any RewardCash credited to the Eligible Credit Card account in excess of what the Eligible Customer is entitled as aforementioned will be deducted from the relevant Eligible Credit Card account at the same time when the relevant Spending Rebate is credited to the Eligible Credit Card account.
Transaction amount of app or music purchase (A): HKD15.6
Spending Rebate (B): HKD10.0
RewardCash entitled [C = (A-B) x 1/250] : (HKD15.6 - HKD10.0) x 1/250 = HKD0.02 - Where any Spending Rebate has been credited to an Eligible Credit Card account and there is a subsequent reversal of any transaction(s) used to determine the Spending Rebate, the relevant Eligible Customer is required to return the relevant Spending Rebate to the Bank. The Bank will deduct the relevant Spending Rebate directly from the Eligible Credit Card without prior notice to the Eligible Customer.
- Eligible Customers must successfully submit registration form upon completion of the game to be eligible for one Lucky Draw entry to win a Samsung GALAXY S4.
- Each Eligible Customer will receive the HKD10 spending rebate once during the promotional period and customer must purchase the app or music from the official Apple App Store or Google Play™ on or before 31 July 2013. Upon successful registration for the lucky draw, customers will automatically be registered for the spending rebate. No separate registration is required.
Apple is not a participant in or sponsor of this promotion. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
Google Play™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
The downloading and/or use of the Quick Response Code Reader ("QR Code Reader") is entirely at your sole discretion. HSBC cannot be held liable in any way for any loss (including loss of data) you suffer arising from or in connection with your downloading and/or use of the QR Code Reader.
Google Play™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
The downloading and/or use of the Quick Response Code Reader ("QR Code Reader") is entirely at your sole discretion. HSBC cannot be held liable in any way for any loss (including loss of data) you suffer arising from or in connection with your downloading and/or use of the QR Code Reader.
Bioderma free sample
Joining their facebook game with local cartoon character Din Dong, you can get a 20ml Bioderma free sample! Act now!
- 遊戲推廣期至2013年5月20日23:59
- 參加者必須為BIODERMA Hong Kong Fan Page粉絲
「親和潔淨.卸妝密友 - 睇片搵真兇」活動:
- 每一個Facebook戶口只限參加活動一次
- 登記姓名請與跟參加者的香港身份証明文件上的姓名相同
- 每一個電郵地址和電話號碼只可登記一次
- 完成登記才可獲得卸妝水試用裝20ml乙支
- 如有任何爭議,BIODERMA 保留最終決定
- 在提交資料前, 如選擇拒絕接收日後BIODERMA之產品資料及宣傳資訊,BIODERMA的任何禮品、折扣及其他優惠資訊同時亦將不會被傳發。
「親和潔淨.卸妝密友 - 小水點友情大搜索」活動:
- 參加者必須先參加了「睇片搵真兇」活動並登記了相關的個人資料
- 每一位參加者只可換領獎品乙次及獎品乙份
- 被邀請的朋友必須完成「睇片搵真兇」活動並登記,才能有效地為提出邀請的朋友加小水點
- 凡已登記了「睇片搵真兇」活動的參加者都不能再為其他的朋友加小水點
- 所有獎品數量有限,先換先得,換完即止
- 自行換取獎品的登記的先後次序以按下「現在換取」鍵的時間為準,並非以登入遊戲版面的時間為根據
- 成功登記換取獎品的參加者會即時收到確認電郵通知,請緊記已登記的電郵以便日後查閱有關的通知郵件(除收件夾外,建議同時查閱垃圾郵箱)
- 小水點不得轉換給其他參加者
- 自行換取獎品登記活動於2013年5月20日 23:59完結
- 獎品換領信會在活動完結後一次性傳發,換領獎品的日期及地點均為BIODERMA指定,恕不更改。
- 如有任何爭議,BIODERMA 保留最終決定
The “5 Senses - Japan” Facebook Campaign by WorldHotels
If you have a picture that represents the taste or any of the other senses of Japan, enter it into Worldhotel 5 Senses Japan photo contest! Choose your favorite photo to vote for the winner of our Japanese photo competition or add your own for the chance to win 2 nights in the Rose Hotel, Yokohama (or 10,000 miles!)
Enter here:
1. The sponsor of this Contest is WorldHotels AG.
1.1 Eligibility: The WorldHotels AG 5 Senses – Japan Contest (the "Contest") is open to all members of Facebook who have reached the age of majority in their country of residence, who are provided access to the contest page ("Customers").
1.2 Contest Period: Starting at, April 19, 2013 to time of prize selection on May 19, 2013. Entrants may participate in the Contest by entering online through the contest entry form at, May 19, 2013. Only entries that include valid information in each field of the entry form will be considered a valid entry.
1.3 Contest Entry Restrictions: Upon submitting a completed entry form, eligible Customers will be entered into the Contest for one (1) chance to win the Prize. Customers are restricted to one (1) entry per valid email address. Entries indicating the same email address will be considered, for purposes of the Contest, to belong to the same Customer. With submitting an entry customer will participate on a voting – users can give its vote for any entry available in the contest.
1.4 Conditions of Entry: If you did not object to the use of your e-mail address for advertising purposes when participating to this competition or at a later point in time, we will store your e-mail address and use this to send you our newsletter to inform you about attractive offers and the special offers of our member hotels. We will not pass on your e-mail address to third parties. You may cancel our newsletter at any time using the link given in each edition of the newsletter; this will be free of charge to you, apart from the standard connection fees. We will then delete your e-mail address from our e-mail distribution list.
1.5 Awarding of Prize: The Prize will be awarded to the Customer whose contact information is submitted on the entry form, provided the information is true, valid and genuine.
1.6 Prize: The Contest Prize is a two night’s stay at our Rose Hotel in Yokohama, Japan or 10,000 Miles. (Including local taxes and levies, excluding alcohol, incidentals & gratuities) Prize must be accepted as awarded. No cash alternatives, substitution or transfers of the Prize will be allowed. Prize must be claimed within 7 days from draw date.
1.7 Prize Winner:
The winner will be the eligible individual entry received with the highest number of votes given by Facebook users during the period of contest. Last votes can be made on May 18, 2013. Facebook users can vote on all eligible entries received during the Contest Period. Announcement will be made on May 19, 2013.
1.8 Notification of Selection: The announced Customer, if not present at the draw, will be notified by email. If the selected Customer cannot be contacted within 5 days, another Customer will be randomly selected and the initial selected Customer will be disqualified and will have no recourse. In order to win, the selected Customer must first correctly answer, unaided, a time-limited, mathematical, skill-testing question to be administered by telephone, and he or she will be required to sign a standard Declaration and Release Form confirming compliance with the Contest Rules, acceptance of the Prize as awarded and releasing Worldhotels from all liability relating to the Contest.
1.9 The name of the winner of the competition will be announced and displayed on the Worldhotels AG Facebook page (, Worldhotels Facebook page for Japan, on the Worldhotels AG homepage ( and in the monthly Newsletters by Worldhotels.
2.1 Each Prize claim is subject to verification by Worldhotels and/or its designated representatives. WorldHotels will be the sole and final reference source in validating a Prize claim.
2.2 By participating, each entrant agrees: (a) to be bound by these Rules and the decisions of Worldhotels(b) to release and hold harmless Worldhotels , its affiliates, and subsidiaries, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives, from any and all liability for claims/damages including, but not limited to, claims/damages for personal injury, for property damage with respect to acceptance, possession or use or misuse of the Prize or participation in the Contest.
2.3 Worldhotels shall not be responsible for incorrect or inaccurate transcription or registration of Contest entry information, technical malfunctions, lost/delayed data transmission, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, faulty, incomplete, incomprehensible, or erased computer or network transmissions, line failures of any telephone network, failure of computer equipment, software, inability to access any online service or web site, inability to submit the online survey, or any other error or malfunction, or any injury or damage to entrant's or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in this Contest, or for late, lost, stolen or misdirected entries.
2.4 Worldhotels reserves the right to cancel, terminate, or suspend this Contest, at its sole discretion.
2.5 Employees and family members of employees of IHS are excluded from the winners draw.
2.6 The Contest is subject to all Federal, Provincial and local laws, as well as the rules adopted in view of said laws. The personal information provided to enter the Contest will be used to administer the Contest, and to deliver future news from the hotel via email.
2.7 Worldhotels is not liable in case of forgotten passports or visas or in any other case of failure of the winner.
2.8 Prohibited are entries that contain content that infringes upon the rights of any third party, including intellectual property rights, privacy, publicity, moral or other personal proprietary right or that is deceptive or fraudulent, content that is hateful, threatening, etc.
2.9 Entries that are prohibited include voting groups, there will be no vote buying permitted, no duplicate IP’s and no fake Facebook profile submissions.
3.0 For a copy of the Contest Rules, please write to: Worldhotels WORLD HOTELS AG Sitz Frankfurt/Main Unterschweinstiege 2-14, 60549 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
3.1 Any disputes arising from this content will be adjudicated in Germany.
3.2 Content submitted becomes the property of Worldhotels. Worldhotels can use the content for any onward marketing it deems fit without any royalties due. Entrants are not allowed to submit a picture of another person who has not agreed to the photo submission. Entries are subject to approval and may be posted to the Facebook wall.
3.3 By submitting an image to this competition, you agree that this image is owned by yourself or that you have full legal rights to use it for the purposes of this competition by the image owner. If you do not own the image, please add into the description area, the name of the image owner so that full credit can be given.
3.4 Mass entries or entries generated by a script, macro or use of automated methods may be disqualified. If for any reason the contest is not capable of running as planned, for reasons including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or other causes that corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the contest, Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who it deems to have tampered with the entry process, and to cancel, modify or suspend the contest. If canceled, Sponsor reserves the right at its discretion to determine the winner using all non-suspect eligible entries received up to the time of cancellation. Sponsor is not responsible for failed, partial, delayed or garbled computer transmissions, or for technical failures of any kind in connection with entries or the entry process, including but not limited to electronic malfunction or damage of any network, hardware or software. In the event of a dispute over an electronic entry, prize will be awarded to the authorized subscriber of the e-mail account, not the name on the entry form.
Enter here:
1. The sponsor of this Contest is WorldHotels AG.
1.1 Eligibility: The WorldHotels AG 5 Senses – Japan Contest (the "Contest") is open to all members of Facebook who have reached the age of majority in their country of residence, who are provided access to the contest page ("Customers").
1.2 Contest Period: Starting at, April 19, 2013 to time of prize selection on May 19, 2013. Entrants may participate in the Contest by entering online through the contest entry form at, May 19, 2013. Only entries that include valid information in each field of the entry form will be considered a valid entry.
1.3 Contest Entry Restrictions: Upon submitting a completed entry form, eligible Customers will be entered into the Contest for one (1) chance to win the Prize. Customers are restricted to one (1) entry per valid email address. Entries indicating the same email address will be considered, for purposes of the Contest, to belong to the same Customer. With submitting an entry customer will participate on a voting – users can give its vote for any entry available in the contest.
1.4 Conditions of Entry: If you did not object to the use of your e-mail address for advertising purposes when participating to this competition or at a later point in time, we will store your e-mail address and use this to send you our newsletter to inform you about attractive offers and the special offers of our member hotels. We will not pass on your e-mail address to third parties. You may cancel our newsletter at any time using the link given in each edition of the newsletter; this will be free of charge to you, apart from the standard connection fees. We will then delete your e-mail address from our e-mail distribution list.
1.5 Awarding of Prize: The Prize will be awarded to the Customer whose contact information is submitted on the entry form, provided the information is true, valid and genuine.
1.6 Prize: The Contest Prize is a two night’s stay at our Rose Hotel in Yokohama, Japan or 10,000 Miles. (Including local taxes and levies, excluding alcohol, incidentals & gratuities) Prize must be accepted as awarded. No cash alternatives, substitution or transfers of the Prize will be allowed. Prize must be claimed within 7 days from draw date.
1.7 Prize Winner:
The winner will be the eligible individual entry received with the highest number of votes given by Facebook users during the period of contest. Last votes can be made on May 18, 2013. Facebook users can vote on all eligible entries received during the Contest Period. Announcement will be made on May 19, 2013.
1.8 Notification of Selection: The announced Customer, if not present at the draw, will be notified by email. If the selected Customer cannot be contacted within 5 days, another Customer will be randomly selected and the initial selected Customer will be disqualified and will have no recourse. In order to win, the selected Customer must first correctly answer, unaided, a time-limited, mathematical, skill-testing question to be administered by telephone, and he or she will be required to sign a standard Declaration and Release Form confirming compliance with the Contest Rules, acceptance of the Prize as awarded and releasing Worldhotels from all liability relating to the Contest.
1.9 The name of the winner of the competition will be announced and displayed on the Worldhotels AG Facebook page (, Worldhotels Facebook page for Japan, on the Worldhotels AG homepage ( and in the monthly Newsletters by Worldhotels.
2.1 Each Prize claim is subject to verification by Worldhotels and/or its designated representatives. WorldHotels will be the sole and final reference source in validating a Prize claim.
2.2 By participating, each entrant agrees: (a) to be bound by these Rules and the decisions of Worldhotels(b) to release and hold harmless Worldhotels , its affiliates, and subsidiaries, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives, from any and all liability for claims/damages including, but not limited to, claims/damages for personal injury, for property damage with respect to acceptance, possession or use or misuse of the Prize or participation in the Contest.
2.3 Worldhotels shall not be responsible for incorrect or inaccurate transcription or registration of Contest entry information, technical malfunctions, lost/delayed data transmission, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, faulty, incomplete, incomprehensible, or erased computer or network transmissions, line failures of any telephone network, failure of computer equipment, software, inability to access any online service or web site, inability to submit the online survey, or any other error or malfunction, or any injury or damage to entrant's or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in this Contest, or for late, lost, stolen or misdirected entries.
2.4 Worldhotels reserves the right to cancel, terminate, or suspend this Contest, at its sole discretion.
2.5 Employees and family members of employees of IHS are excluded from the winners draw.
2.6 The Contest is subject to all Federal, Provincial and local laws, as well as the rules adopted in view of said laws. The personal information provided to enter the Contest will be used to administer the Contest, and to deliver future news from the hotel via email.
2.7 Worldhotels is not liable in case of forgotten passports or visas or in any other case of failure of the winner.
2.8 Prohibited are entries that contain content that infringes upon the rights of any third party, including intellectual property rights, privacy, publicity, moral or other personal proprietary right or that is deceptive or fraudulent, content that is hateful, threatening, etc.
2.9 Entries that are prohibited include voting groups, there will be no vote buying permitted, no duplicate IP’s and no fake Facebook profile submissions.
3.0 For a copy of the Contest Rules, please write to: Worldhotels WORLD HOTELS AG Sitz Frankfurt/Main Unterschweinstiege 2-14, 60549 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
3.1 Any disputes arising from this content will be adjudicated in Germany.
3.2 Content submitted becomes the property of Worldhotels. Worldhotels can use the content for any onward marketing it deems fit without any royalties due. Entrants are not allowed to submit a picture of another person who has not agreed to the photo submission. Entries are subject to approval and may be posted to the Facebook wall.
3.3 By submitting an image to this competition, you agree that this image is owned by yourself or that you have full legal rights to use it for the purposes of this competition by the image owner. If you do not own the image, please add into the description area, the name of the image owner so that full credit can be given.
3.4 Mass entries or entries generated by a script, macro or use of automated methods may be disqualified. If for any reason the contest is not capable of running as planned, for reasons including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or other causes that corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the contest, Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who it deems to have tampered with the entry process, and to cancel, modify or suspend the contest. If canceled, Sponsor reserves the right at its discretion to determine the winner using all non-suspect eligible entries received up to the time of cancellation. Sponsor is not responsible for failed, partial, delayed or garbled computer transmissions, or for technical failures of any kind in connection with entries or the entry process, including but not limited to electronic malfunction or damage of any network, hardware or software. In the event of a dispute over an electronic entry, prize will be awarded to the authorized subscriber of the e-mail account, not the name on the entry form.
Hong Kong Science Park "GIFT" Design Ideas Competition
HK Science park is looking for creative ideas on its special building in phase 3! Think of an environmental friendly building with the use of innovative technology! The competition is split into two groups: open & professional groups open to all HK residents. Competition deadline is on 21 June 2013, submit your creative building ideas now!
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