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MTR Seoul trip lucky draw

【往首爾機票最後召集】最後機會贏機票!想同個friend走轉首爾血拼? 咁就唔可以錯過依個免費飛首爾嘅機會喇!只要答中2PM問你嘅簡單問題,即有機會贏得MTR Shops送出嘅雙人來回首爾機票一套!仲唔快啲行動﹕

[Last call for flight to Seoul] Don’t miss out on the last chance to win two return tickets to Seoul! Simply play the game and answer the questions correctly and you and your guest could soon be catching a flight to Seoul.

Remark: The game is only available in Chinese.

Yahoo x 經濟日報 《揀手新聞》

請從2014年1月6日至1月11日(23:59) 的《經濟日報》新聞中(連結:,選出你認為本周必看的新聞,並於本頁的留言區中提交該新聞的標題及相關連結, 並寫下不少於50字的精彩或具創意的推介原因, 即有機會獲得豐富獎品,詳情請參閱下列條款及細則。
    •    參加者必須為18歲或以上的香港居民。
    •    是次推廣活動由雅虎香港及香港經濟日報舉辦,每人參加次數不限,惟不能獲獎多於一次。雅虎香港有限公司及香港經濟日報有限公司之員工及其家屬均不得參加是次活動,以示公允。
    •    推廣活動日期及時間為年1月6日至1月26日23:59,一切時間以雅虎香港伺服器接收為準。
    •    推廣活動期間,參加者可從每周經濟日報新聞中推介必看的一則新聞,並寫下不少於50字的精彩或具創意的推介原因;編輯每星期會選出優勝者贏取以下獎品:
    •    2014年1月6日至1月12日23:59
    •    大獎:經濟日報網站hket.com一年訂閱 (價值: $398) (名額200名)
    •    安慰獎:超市現金券$100 (名額10名)
    •    2014年1月13日至1月19日23:59
    •    大獎:經濟日報網站hket.com一年訂閱 (價值: $398) (名額150名)
    •    安慰獎:超市現金券$100 (名額10名)
    •    2014年1月20日至1月26日23:59
    •    大獎:經濟日報網站hket.com一年訂閱 (價值: $398) (名額150名)
    •    安慰獎:超市現金券$100 (名額10名)
    •    得獎者名單將於每星期活動完結後一星期於雅虎香港新聞之「揀手新聞」推廣活動頁內公佈,並會以電郵方式通知個別得獎者。其他參加者不會獲另行通知。
    •    雅虎香港不會對所有獎品之保養及服務範圍事宜作任何保證。雅虎香港不會另行提供貨品單據、保養證明書或任何貨品的售後服務。
    •    所有獎品不得兌換現金及不得退換或轉售。獎品由第三者提供,雅虎香港不保證有關獎賞之質素,並對獎品不作出任何保證或承諾。
    •    本活動注意事項載明於活動網頁中,參加者於參加本活動之同時,即同意接受本活動注意事項之規範,如有違反本活動注意事項之行為,雅虎香港會取消其參加或得獎資格,並對於任何破壞本活動之行為保留相關權利。
    •    經濟日報網站hket.com一年訂閱得獎者將獲啟動密碼,於指定網頁進行登記及啟動帳戶。
    •    參加者必須遵守雅虎香港的服務條款、供應商相關之條款、使用規範及其他交易有關之規定,如有違反者,即自動喪失參加資格,如為得獎者,則取消其得獎資格。
    •    得獎者應於雅虎香港通知之期限內回覆確認同意領取獎品,並提供雅虎香港所要求之完整領獎文件,逾期視為棄權。得獎者所提供之身分證明文件如與登記資料不符,雅虎香港得要求得獎者提出相關證明文件,否則雅虎香港得取消其得獎資格。
    •    參加者保證所有填寫或提出之資料均為真實且正確,且未冒用或盜用任何第三人之資料。如有不實或不正確之事情,將被取消參加或得獎資格。如因此致雅虎香港無法通知其得獎訊息時,雅虎香港不負任何責任,且如有致損害於雅虎香港或其他任何第三人,參加者應負一切相關責任。
    •    如有任何因電腦、網路、電話、技術或不可歸責於雅虎香港之事由,而使參加者所寄出、登錄之資料或使雅虎香港寄出之通知,有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損之情況,雅虎香港不負任何法律責任,參加者亦不得為任何主張。
    •    本活動獎項以公佈於本網站上的資料為準,如遇不可抗力之因素,雅虎香港保留更換其他等值獎項之權利。
    •    參加者如因參加本活動或因活動獎項而遭受任何損失,雅虎香港不負任何責任。一旦得獎者領取獎品後,若有遺失或被竊,雅虎香港及其他獎品贊助商不發給任何證明或補償。
    •    得獎者若未在雅虎香港指定時間內回覆得獎通知,視同放棄得獎權利。得獎者不得將其領獎資格轉讓予任何第三人。
    •    參加者必須同意本活動之條款及細則,如有任何爭議,雅虎香港保留最終決定權。
    •    參加者提供之個人資料均會被雅虎香港所使用;詳情請參閱雅虎香港私隱政策
    •    如本活動因不可抗力之特殊原因無法執行時,雅虎香港有權決定取消、終止、修改或暫停本活動。
    •    雅虎香港可自行更改此次推廣活動之條款及細則而不需另行通知,參加者同意完全遵守。
    •    雅虎香港將保留一切在推廣活動中之最終決定權,包括但不限於更改獎品、用戶之審核或取消用戶得獎資格,任何人不得異議。


星晨旅遊 X 日本國家旅遊局 【日本手信拍一番】

星晨旅遊 X 日本國家旅遊局 【日本手信拍一番】Facebook遊戲已經開始左喇! 由即日起至12月20日,分享一張日本最新最潮手信既相片,獲得最多LIKE既作品,即有機會贏得星晨日本旅遊禮券總值$40,000及精美禮物。快D一齊Click入黎分享啦!

Darlie Hong Kong xmas lucky draw

每日參加「Making Xmas Shine」,獎品即抽即賞,更有機會贏取Samsung GALAXY Note3,讓你在聖誕綻放No.1亮白笑容!



Jurlique Magic of Natural Beauty and Win - Facebook Competition #magicofnaturalbeauty



好多Fans勇躍參加 ”節日照片上載”遊戲,分享他們最具有節日氣氛的照片!

未參加的Fans快些分享你最有節日氣氛的照片!已參加左的Fans 亦可以邀請朋友參加遊戲或投票!

Fans 填寫個人資料及照片經內部核實後,便可於指定分店獲得試用裝二包(各2ml)

而上載的照片獲得最高票數的首5名Fans,更可獲得玫瑰手部護理組合一份 (價值$ 295元)

遊戲由即日開始到12月22日。投票公佈日期: 12月23日




1. 香港銅鑼灣世貿中心 P122 電話:2890 1141
2. 香港太古城中心211A 電話:2885 9606
3. 香港金鐘廊LAB 電話:3468 2133
4. 九龍旺角新世紀廣場M03 電話︰2264 3370
5. 九龍灣德福廣場2期331 電話:2369 9129
6. 九龍鑽石山荷里活廣場252AB 電話:2955 9906
7. 新界葵芳新都會廣場3樓310 電話︰2426 6604
8. 新界將軍澳唐賢街9號PopCorn G11 電話︰2698 9902
9. 新界荃灣綠楊坊G2 電話︰2416 0611

Terms and Conditions

Jurlique Magic of Natural Beauty and Win - Facebook Competition #magicofnaturalbeauty

1.NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN.  A PURCHASE WILL NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Entry into the promotion constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions and the decisions of the Promoter, which are final and binding in all respects.  If there is any conflict between these terms and conditions and any other published material, these terms and conditions prevail.  
2.Entry is open to Hong Kong residents only, who are 18 years of age and over, who enter the competition via the application on the JurliqueHK Facebook page, during the promotion period (“Eligible Entrants”). Employees of the Promoter (and their immediate families) and its agencies associated with this promotion are not eligible to enter.
3.The promotion commences at 9am (HKT) on Friday 15th November and closes at 11.59pm (HKT) Sunday, 22nd December 2013 (“Promotion Period”).
4.To enter, Eligible Entrants must, during the Promotion Period:
  • Visit;
  • Fully complete the application details by providing their name, email address, phone number and any additional information required by the Promoter;
  • Upload a photo that the entrant believes best captures the magic of natural beauty and provide a photo title and photo description (“Entry”); and
  • Confirm their acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of entry. 
5.Depending on the size of your Entry, your connection, Internet traffic and other circumstances, your submission upload time may take several minutes to complete.  Your Entry must be uploaded onto the [ 11.59pm (HKT) Sunday 22nd December 2013 in order to qualify for entry.
6.Fans of the JurliqueHK Facebook page, will be eligible to vote during the Promotion Period for the Entry that they believe best encapsulates the magic of natural beauty.  Fans can only vote once per Entry, however, they can vote for multiple Entries. The five Entries which receives the most votes will win a Prize (“Prize”).  No Prizes will be awarded for any other Entries.  All Entries will be eligible for promotional complimentary sample sachets (“Sachets”) at Jurlique’s choosing (2ml X 2pcs). This competition is a game of skill, chance plays no part in determining the winning Entry. During the Promotion Period, all eligible entries will be posted on the JurliqueHK Facebook Page for public viewing.  All entries must be received and recorded by the Administrator’s computer by 11.59pm (HKT) Sunday, 22nd December 2013 to be eligible to win a Prize or eligible for the Sachets. No entries will be accepted after 11.59pm (HKT) Sunday, 22nd December 2013. At the conclusion of the Promotion Period, a Prize will be awarded to each of the five Entrants whose Entries received the most votes. If there is more than one person with the same number of votes the winner will be selected by the Promoter on the basis of the Promoter’s view of which Entry best encapsulates the magic of natural beauty.  The Promoter’s decision is final.
7.Entries are limited to one per person per day in the Promotion Period. Use of script, macro or any automated system to complete entries or with the intent to impair or subvert the integrityof the entry process is prohibited and all such entries will be void.  Any attempt by any entrant to obtain more than the allowed number of entries by using multiple/different/fictitious/false e-mail addresses, identities or any other methods will void that entrant's entries and that entrant will be disqualified. The Promoter’s computer is the official timekeeping device for this promotion. Receipt of entries will not be acknowledged or returned. In the event of a dispute as to the identity of an entrant, the authorized account holder of the email address used to enter will be deemed to be the entrant. The “authorized account holder” is the natural person assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. Potential winners may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder.
8.Please use good taste, keep entries free of obscenity or indecent material. We reserve the right to delete any entries, for any reason. Entries cannot defame, misrepresent or contain disparaging remarks about the Promoter or any of its products, or other people, products or companies or communicate messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which the Promoter associates. 
9.The Promoter reserves the right to monitor and will monitor or screen entries and delete entries, if required at its sole discretion. By entering, you acknowledge that your Entry may be posted on the Promoter’s Website(s) or other media pages, in the Promoter’s sole discretion. The Promoter has no obligation to use or post any Entry you submit. 
10.Entrants grant the Promoter a worldwide royalty free perpetual and irrevocable transferrable licence (with a right to sub-licence) to use, reproduce or otherwise exploit the entries submitted as part of this competition and the Promoter shall have full right and power to copy, publish, broadcast, display, distribute, use, edit, translate, alter, combine with other material, reuse and adapt any or all portions of the entries in any way and for any purpose whatsoever, at any time, now or in the future, in any media now known or hereafter devised throughout the world in any manner whatsoever and for any purpose. 
11.Online entries that are not in accordance with these Official Rules as stated herein will be ineligible. Entries cannot (a) be sexually explicit or suggestive, violent or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional or age group, profane or pornographic, contain nudity or any materially dangerous activity; (b)promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous, or any particular political agenda or message; (c) be obscene or offensive, endorse any form of hate or hate group; (d) contain trademarks, logos or trade dress owned by others, or advertise or promote any brand or product of any kind other than Jurlique, or contain any personal identification, such as license plate numbers, personal names, e-mail addresses or street addresses; (e) contain copyrighted materials owned by others (including photographs, sculptures, paintings and other works of art or images published on or in websites, television, movies or other media) without permission; (f) contain materials embodying the names, likenesses, photographs, or other indicia identifying any person, living or dead, without permission; and (g) depict, and cannot itself, be in violation of any law. By submitting an Entry you warrant and represent that it: (a) is your original work; (b) has not been previously published; (c) has not received previous awards; (d) does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity; (e) that you have obtained permission from any third party who appears in the Entry or whose name, likeness, voice or other proprietary right is used in the Entry, if any; and (f) that publication of the Entry via various media including Web/Twitter posting, will not infringe on the rights of any third party. You will indemnify and hold harmless, the Promoter and Promotion Entities from any claims to the contrary. 
12.Any Eligible Entrant whose Entry includes photographs, likenesses of third parties or contains elements not owned by the entrant (such as, but not limited to, depictions of persons, buildings, trademarks or logos) must be able to provide legal releases for such use including use by the Promoter(s) of such Entry, in a form satisfactory to the Promoter, upon request, prior to award of the Prize. 
13.Any Entry that, in the sole opinion of the Promoter, is deemed to be inappropriate for publication is ineligible. Incomplete, illegible, false, deceptive or garbled entries are not eligible. 
14.Entry into the competition constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
15.By accepting these Terms and Conditions, consumers agree to receive future communications from Jurlique. You may opt out at any time using the "Unsubscribe" button located at the bottom of all emails.
16.During the Promotion Period, each eligible Entry will be posted on the website. Relative to such posting of his/her Entry, each Entrant further acknowledges and agrees that (a) while Jurlique will seek to accurately present Entry on the web site, the Entry as posted on the web site may differ from the Entry as originally submitted by entrant due to technological malfunction/error/defect/ limitation/ modifications and Jurlique shall have no liability related thereto; (b) Jurlique may post Entries in any order, format or pattern, at its sole discretion and such order/format/pattern may (or may not) be rotated or varied; and (c) Jurlique will attribute Entry to Entrants in a manner of Jurlique’s sole choosing which will be uniformly applied to all Entrants. 
17.The Entries will be judged at on Monday, by 3pm (HKT), 23RD December 2013 at Jurlique Hong Kong Limited, Room 1421, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong kong . The winners will be posted on the JurliqueHK Facebook page on Friday, 23rd December 2013. The winners will also be notified via email or phone by 5pm (HKT), 23rd December 2013. 
18.There will be five Prize winners. Jurlique will notify the winners of their Prize by phone or e-mail and each winner’s details will be posted on the JurliqueHK Facebook page on 23rd December 2013. It is the responsibility of the winner to provide correct and complete contact details so the Prize winner can be notified. If the winner fails to claim their Prize, they will forfeit the Prize (and no compensation will be given or paid in lieu). The same applies to any Entrant who fails to claim their Sachets.
19.The winning entry will appear in a regional collage that will be featured in our concept stores and online around the world. 
20.The Prize will include:
  • Jurlique Picked Hand Cream Collection
  • Total value maximum retail value of the Prize is HK$295.
21.The Prize winners can collect their Prize from any of Jurlique’s retail stores in Hong Kong on presentation of the Prize notification letter and proof of identification. 
22.The Promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winner will be contacted using the winner’s details included in their Jurlique Facebook competition entry. The Promoter will not be responsible for any incorrect details included in the winner’s contact information. If a winner is unable to utilise the Prize they will forfeit the Prize, and another winner will be drawn, and no compensation will be paid in lieu.
23.The Prize and Sachets are not transferable or exchangeable or redeemable for cash or any other goods or services nor can they be re-sold. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the value, performance, or availability of any Prize or Sachets. The Promoter reserves the right to substitute the advertised Prize for a prize of equivalent or greater retail value if, for any reason beyond the Promoter’s control, the Promoter is not able to give the prize-winner the advertised Prize, subject to Hong Kong law. 
24.Unless expressly stated in these terms and conditions, all other expenses are the responsibility of the winner.
25.To the extent permitted by law, the Promoter and their associated agencies and companies will not be liable to any person for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person’s negligence) in connection with this promotion or accepting or using any Prize or Sachets, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).
26.The Promoter is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or a consequential loss), or for personal injury suffered or sustained as a result of taking any Prize or Sachets, except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law.
27.The Promoter will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from incorrect details lodged by entrants.
28.The Promoter reserves the right (subject to written directions from Governmental Regulatory bodies and any applicable law subject) to vary the rules of any competition or any prizes offered or cancel any competition if it is no longer able to run the competition due to reasons beyond its control. The Promoter will not be liable for any loss or damage to any party arising from any variation or cancellation.
29.The Promoter is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information or for any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilised in this competition, or for any technical error, or any combination thereof that may occur in the course of the administration of this competition including (but not limited to) any omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line or telephone, mobile or satellite network failure, unavailability of Jurlique’s Facebook page, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or alteration of entries.
30.The Promoter is Jurlique Hong Kong Limited, located at Room 1421, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
31.In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms & Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
32.This promotion is in no way promoted, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. All information being provided by the eligible entrants is being provided to the Promoter and not to Facebook. By entering, each eligible entrant completely releases Facebook of all liability in connection with the promotion to the maximum extent permitted by law.


Jurlique Magic of Natural Beauty and Win - Facebook有獎遊戲 #magicofnaturalbeauty

2.如參加jurliquehk facebook遊戲,參加者必須為18歲以上的香港居民
  • 登入;
  • 填上個人資料包括(姓名、電郵地址、電話號碼)
  • 上載一張你認為最具有聖誕氣氛的照片
  • 接受此條款
6.所有Facebook Fans 均可參加此有獎遊戲,參加者可投選不同作品,每件作品均可投一次票。最高票數5名可獲得獎品一份。所有合資格參加者上載照片均可獲贈2ml試用裝二包 (必須到指定店內換領)
8.所有參賽作品不可涉及淫穢或猥褻,Jurlique HK有權以任何理由刪除任何參賽作品。
9.Jurlique HK擁有保留最終任何權利。
10.所有參賽作品Jurlique HK擁有任何使用權力,包括復制、出版、廣播、展示、分發、使用、編輯、翻譯、改變以及發佈到世界各地。
  • (a)將性明示或暗示、暴力或貶損的任何族裔、種族、性別、宗教、專業或年齡組別、褻瀆或色情、赤裸或任何重大危險的活動;
  • (b) 推廣酗酒、非法藥品、煙草、武器/武器(或使用任何上述)任何活動,可能會出現不安全或危險,或任何政治議題或信息;
  • (c)由淫褻或令人厭惡、贊成任何形式的仇恨或種族仇恨
  • (d)載有其他商標、標識或藉廣告宣傳或推廣任何品牌或產品的任何類別或包含任何個人識別,例如車牌號碼、個人姓名或名稱、E-mail地址或街道地址;
  • (e) 資料/圖片載有版權由其他人擁有(沒有許可或包括照片、雕塑、繪畫和其他藝術品或圖像或在網站上公布,電視、電影或其他媒介);
  • (f) 資料/圖片包含未經許可的名稱,相片或有關任何人士之不雅照片。
  • (g) 不能在違反法律下作任何描述。 
  • 所有作品必須是:
    • (a)是你本人原有創作;
    • (b) 未曾發佈;
    • (c)從未獲任何獎項;
    • (d) 未有侵犯版權,商標,個人資料私隱,公眾利益其他知識產權或損害任何個人及組織的權利;
    • (e),已獲第三方許可使用作品, 
    • (f),資料/圖片在不侵犯第三者版權下,可經由任何媒體上載 (包括網頁及Twitter)。如對任何個人或組織作傷害性需要負上最終賠償責任。

13. 任何不恰當,不法、虛假、欺騙或參賽作品視為不符合得獎之資格。
15.接受此條款的用戶將會收到 Jurlique 的推廣資訊,用戶可於任何時間取消接收。
  • A)如因任何技術故障/錯誤/故障/限制/修改Jurlique將沒有任何法律責任。
  • B)Jurlique 擁有更改或修改圖片之權利。
  • C)Jurlique 會以正式及公平方式作審核準則。

17.所有得獎者將於20131223(星期一)facebook 公佈,得獎者亦會透過電郵或電話通知。
19.得獎作品會展視於Jurlique 不同地區的分店及互聯網上
20.獎品包括 -玫瑰手部護理組合 - 價值 $295
24. Jurlique 不負責任何損失(包括但不限於、間接、特別或相應的損失、費用、損害、人身傷害或死亡。
25.若遊戲中途更改或取消,Jurlique 將不負責任何參加者的損失或損害。



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Peace Cuisine x Nanjing Dong Lu - One Year Anniversary 賀「和平飯店」開業1週年 - Love Dining‧Love Travel 狂賞曲

和平飯店」1歲啦!為慶祝「和平飯店」開業1週年,「和平飯店」聯同「南京東路」舉行「Love Dining‧Love Travel狂賞曲」慶祝活動,送出總值逾萬元的豐富獎品,回饋大家對「和平飯店」的支持。

第1 賞: 樂遊上海南京東路大抽獎由即日起至2013年12月5日,凡於「和平飯店」或「南京東路」以信用卡簽賬單次消費滿HK$150,即可參加「樂遊上海南京東路大抽獎」,有機會贏取上海雙人來回機票連三日兩夜五星級酒店住宿及其他豐富獎品。參加次數不限,消費越多,中獎機會越大!
條款及細則:1. 參加者必須為香港永久居民及年滿18歲或以上,方可參加「樂遊上海南京東路大抽獎」2. 參加者須填妥抽獎券上所要求的資料並沿虛線撕下抽獎券部份,於推廣期內,投入設於和平飯店或南京東路之抽獎表格收集箱內,方可參加,截止日期為2013年12月5日,逾期恕不受理3. 參加者須保留抽獎券顧客存根及信用卡簽賬存根正本以作得獎核對之用,任何遺失或損毀,恕不補發。參加者資料只作是次抽獎之用,並不作其他用途4.  「樂遊上海南京東路大抽獎」抽獎結果將於2013年12月19日於叙福樓網頁公佈,並刊登於星島日報及The Standard
5.  「樂遊上海南京東路大抽獎」得獎者將獲個別通知。得獎者須親身或授權代表於2014年1月19日或之前,攜同得獎之抽獎券顧客存根正本、信用卡簽賬存根正本及身份證明於辦公時間內到指定地點領取獎品,否則當棄權論
6. 有關獎品換領及使用之詳情,請參閱換領信內之條款及細則,本公司不會對供應商提供之產品或服務作保證或使用其產品所構成之後果負責。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準
7. 所有獎品皆不可退換、轉讓、兌換現金或作現金找贖
8. 叙福樓集團旗下食肆之員工均不得參加,以示公允
9. 如有任何爭議,一概以叙福樓集團之最終決定為準
10. 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:041902
5.  「樂遊上海南京東路大抽獎」得獎者將獲個別通知。得獎者須親身或授權代表於2014年1月19日或之前,攜同得獎之抽獎券顧客存根正本、信用卡簽賬存根正本及身份證明於辦公時間內到指定地點領取獎品,否則當棄權論6. 有關獎品換領及使用之詳情,請參閱換領信內之條款及細則,本公司不會對供應商提供之產品或服務作保證或使用其產品所構成之後果負責。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準7. 所有獎品皆不可退換、轉讓、兌換現金或作現金找贖8. 叙福樓集團旗下食肆之員工均不得參加,以示公允9. 如有任何爭議,一概以叙福樓集團之最終決定為準10. 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:0419025.  「樂遊上海南京東路大抽獎」得獎者將獲個別通知。得獎者須親身或授權代表於2014年1月19日或之前,攜同得獎之抽獎券顧客存根正本、信用卡簽賬存根正本及身份證明於辦公時間內到指定地點領取獎品,否則當棄權論6. 有關獎品換領及使用之詳情,請參閱換領信內之條款及細則,本公司不會對供應商提供之產品或服務作保證或使用其產品所構成之後果負責。圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準7. 所有獎品皆不可退換、轉讓、兌換現金或作現金找贖8. 叙福樓集團旗下食肆之員工均不得參加,以示公允9. 如有任何爭議,一概以叙福樓集團之最終決定為準10. 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:041902

第2賞: 愛上海‧愛美食 ─ 滋味推介毋須消費,由即日起至11月10日,登入「和平飯店」或「南京東路」facebook專頁參加「愛上海‧愛美食 ─ 滋味推介」,即有機會贏取餐飲美食券。此外,每店獲得最多人推介的兩道菜式,更會由11月18日起,每兩星期推出一款,並以6折優惠價讓您與摯友共同回味一番。



和平飯店地址: 鯉魚門油塘高超道38號大本型2樓237號
電話: 2568 3708 


南京東路地址: 銅鑼灣皇室堡2樓203-204號
電話: 2882 6718

