【 理財有「賞」法大挑戰EP2 #有獎遊戲🎉】
睇完片喺下面簡單留言參加遊戲,完成指定步驟仲可以參加大抽獎,Switch OLED隨時屬於你😍!
1. Follow 滙豐香港 Instagram專頁 (@hsbc_hk)
2. 喺呢個帖文下面留言,分享你嘅答案
3. 再Tag一位朋友仔叫佢玩埋一份
#滙豐 #有獎遊戲 #最潮購物達人 #理財有賞法大挑戰 #電子錢包
【”Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance” Challenge EP2🎉】
Digital wallet is so convenient that many consider it a revolutionary invention. That said, not everyone knows about the details of this payment instrument😯Check out the street interview for an exciting speed test on this popular paying tool🎁!
Remember to join the giveaway and complete the following steps to enter the lucky draw for a chance to win a Nintendo Switch OLED😍!
1. Follow HSBC HK’s Instagram page (@hsbc_hk)
2. Comment and share with us your answer
3. Tag a friend
Question: How long does it take to pay via digital wallet?
(Hint: The answer is in the video!)
Promotion Period: 30 Nov to 17 Dec 2021
Winner Announcement: 28 Dec 2021 (In this post)
Terms and Conditions: https://grp.hsbc/en-hk-tnc
#HSBC #RewardingYourEnhancedFinance #Giveaway #DigitalWallet
SVF license: SVFB002
- 此抽獎活動(「抽獎活動」)之舉行日期為2021年11月12日時至2021年12月17日下午11時59分(以香港時間Instagram之伺服器接收時間為準)(「抽獎活動舉行期間」)。
- 此抽獎活動之主辦者為香港特別行政區(「香港」)的香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(「本行」)。
- Instagram用戶(「參加者」)須符合以下第5條所載條件並於抽獎活動舉行期間內,在本行Instagram專頁上之「理財有『賞』法大挑戰EP1」、「理財有『賞』法大挑戰EP2」或「理財有『賞』法大挑戰EP3」的貼文留言欄內留言,便可自動參加抽獎活動,有機會贏取Nintendo Switch(OLED款式)一部(「獎品」)。
- 此抽獎活動共有三個階段,每個階段有1位得獎者(「得獎者」),每位得獎者可獲得獎品一份。
階段 獎品數量 「理財有『賞』法大挑戰EP1」 1 「理財有『賞』法大挑戰EP2」 1 「理財有『賞』法大挑戰EP3」 1 - 凡符合以下條件之人士,均可參與此抽獎活動:
- 持有香港身份證之香港居民;及
- 以個人身份參加(不接受以公司名義參加);及
- 18歲或以上;及
- 已經登記為Instagram用戶;及
- 讚好並成為滙豐香港Instagram專頁粉絲;及
- 完成以上第3條所述行動。
- 各參加者:
- 同意此抽獎活動並非由Instagram贊助、支持、管理或組織;及
- 知道參加此抽獎活動之同時,其資料會給予本行而並非Instagram;及
- 明白Instagram於法律許可的情況下對此抽獎活動概不承擔任何責任;及
- 了解除了透過Instagram以外,並無其他途徑參加此抽獎活動。
- 參加此抽獎活動毋須購買任何產品或服務。
- 參加此抽獎活動的次數不限,每位參加者於抽獎活動中最多贏取獎品一份。
- 有關抽獎之一切事宜均以本行之決定為最終決定。
- 得獎者須承擔因獎品而所需支付之一切額外費用,包括因領獎及使用獎品時所產生之費用。
- 得獎結果將分三階段於2021年12月28日或之前透過本行Instagram專頁公布。
- 本行將於2021年12月28日或之前聯絡得獎者。本行將透過Instagram向得獎者提供電郵地址,並邀請得獎者以電郵回覆及提供有關確認身份的所需資料,收到該等資料後本行將再以電郵形式向得獎者發出確認信。發出確認信後,得獎者須根據本行發出之電郵內的步驟領取獎品。如在指定時間內本行收不到得獎者之回覆,或者得獎者被發現不符合參加資格,又或者得獎者未能提交充足資料核實其身份,其得獎資格將被取消。本行保留重選得獎者或取消獎品之權利。
- 獎品不得轉讓、不可協議、不可退換或轉換成現金。獎品不得轉售或轉送,如違反此細則,獎品可能被視為無效。如果獎品因在本行不可控制之情況下以致未能提供,本行保留以其他價值相等之禮品代替之權利。因延遲、押後或取消任何活動而引致之任何開支、不便或費用,本行恕不負責。
- 本行保留將得獎者之名字於Instagram或其他市場推廣或宣傳物品上刊載之權利。得獎者完成以上第3條所述行動,即代表同意其資料會經上述形式使用。
- 此抽獎活動將收集得獎者之個人資料包括Instagram賬戶名稱、個人全名、香港郵寄地址及電郵地址,而此等個人資料只會被用於有關此抽獎活動之事宜。此等個人資料有機會於以下情況中被本行使用:(i)舉行抽獎活動及聯絡得獎者;(ii)核實得獎者參加此抽獎活動之資格;(iii)核實得獎者之身份;(iv)用於在Instagram或其他市場推廣或宣傳物品上公布之得獎結果;及(v)用於此抽獎活動之行政及管理。個人資料不會被用作更新本行紀錄。個人資料會於領取獎品後的6個月內銷毀。個人資料有機會轉移至本行委託的第三者服務商作領獎安排。
- 當參加者提供個人資料予本行,即表示同意本行可按此條款及細則所提及之目的使用及轉移其個人資料。
- 本行將按其私隱政策收集個人資料(https://www.hsbc.com.hk/zh-hk/misc/pdo-notice-cards/)。
- 當參加者完成以上第3條所述行動,即代表同意參與此抽獎活動及受此條款及細則所約束。不會另行簽訂任何協議。如就此抽獎活動有任何爭議,本行保留最終決定權。
- 除有關參加者及本行以外,並無其他人士有權按《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行此條款及細則的任何條文,或享有此條款及細則的任何條文下的利益。
- 如因電腦或智能電話或軟件或網絡等技術問題導致參加者所遞交的答案遺失、破壞、損毀、無法辨識、不完整、錯誤及延遲,本行恕不負責。
- 參加者如在抽獎活動中違反此條款及細則,涉及任何舞弊、濫用及/或欺詐成分,作出虛假陳述或違反適用的法律或法規,本行有權取消該參加者之參加資格,及保留取消及追討獎品之最終決定權。
- 得獎者有責任遵照法例而支付(得獎者自己的開支)因獎品而牽涉的一切稅項、稅務、徵費或有關稅項。本行恕不負責。
- 此條款及細則受現行監管規定所限制。
- 參加者同意此抽獎活動及此條款及細則須受香港法律所管限並按其詮釋。香港法院對任何爭議具有專有審判權。
- 本行保留隨時更改此條款及細則和此抽獎活動的權利而毋須事前通知。本行對於任何更改、取消及終止概不承擔任何責任,並擁有取消或終止此抽獎活動的最終權利。若抽獎活動被取消或終止,本行將透過本行Instagram專頁上之留言欄及/或以電郵通知你。
- 此條款及細則的中英文本如有歧義,概以英文本為準。
- 聯絡本行:facebook.promotions@hsbc.com.hk
Terms and Conditions of ‘Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge’ Lucky Draw
- The promotion period for the lucky draw (the ‘Lucky Draw’) is from 12 November 2021 to 17 December 2021 (23:59) (based on Hong Kong time and as determined by the time of receipt by the Instagram servers) (the ‘Promotion Period’).
- The Lucky Draw is organised by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (the ‘Bank’) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (‘Hong Kong’).
- Instagram users (the ‘Entrant’) who satisfy the criteria in Clause 5 below and comment in the post of ‘Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP1’, ‘Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP2’ or ‘Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP3’ on the Bank’s Instagram page during the Promotion Period will get a chance to win one Nintendo Switch – OLED Model (the ‘Prize’).
- The Lucky Draw has 3 phases and there will be 1 winner (the ‘Winner’) in each phase. Each Winner will receive one Prize.
Phase Quantity of the Prize Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP1 1 Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP2 1 Rewarding Your Enhanced Finance Challenge EP3 1 - The Lucky Draw is available to all persons who satisfy the following:
- Hong Kong resident with a Hong Kong Identity Card; and
- natural persons (e.g. companies are not eligible to enter) ; and
- aged 18 years or above; and
- registered users of Instagram; and
- like and follow the Instagram page of HSBC HK; and
- have completed the steps specified in Clause 3 above.
- Each Entrant:
- agrees that the Lucky Draw is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or organised by Instagram; and
- acknowledges that by participating in the Lucky Draw the Entrant is providing his or her information to the Bank rather than to Instagram; and
- grants Instagram a complete release from liability associated with the Lucky Draw, to the extent permissible by law; and
- understands that there will be no alternative route for entry; therefore, all entries for the Lucky Draw must be made via Instagram.
- No purchases are required to be made in order to participate in the Lucky Draw.
- There is no limit for the entry to the Lucky Draw and only one Prize can be won per Entrant.
- All matters relating to the drawing process shall be at the Bank’s sole discretion. The decision of the Bank is final.
- The Winners will be personally responsible for any and all additional costs incurred due to the acceptance and use of the Prize.
- The announcement of the Winners will be made on the Bank’s Instagram page by 3 phases on or before 28 December 2021.
- The Bank will contact the Winners by 28 December 2021. The Bank will provide the Winners with an email address via Instagram and invite the Winners to send the required information for identity verification by replying to the email. Upon receipt of the information, the Bank will send a confirmation email to each of the Winners. Winners are required to follow the instructions and collect the Prize according to the confirmation email. If no response is received from the Winner within a specified period of time, or if the Winner is found to be ineligible to enter the Lucky Draw, or if the Winner fails to provide the required information for identity verification, the Winner will be disqualified and the Bank reserves the right to replace the Winner or forfeit the Prize.
- The Prize is non-transferable, non-negotiable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash. In particular, Prizes must not be sold or given away and may become void if this condition is breached. If the Prize offered is unavailable due to circumstances beyond the control of the Bank, the Bank reserves the right to substitute the Prize with one of equal or equivalent value. The Bank shall not be responsible for any expenses, inconvenience or costs incurred due to the delay, postponement or cancellation of any event.
- The Bank reserves the right to feature the Winners’ names on Instagram or in other marketing or promotional materials. By completing the steps in Clause 3 above, Winner agrees to the use of his/her information.
- The Winners’ personal data including Instagram account names, full names, mailing address in Hong Kong and email addresses will be collected only for the use of the Lucky Draw. The personal data may be used by the Bank: (i) to conduct the Lucky Draw and contact the Winner; (ii) to verify the Winner’s eligibility for the Lucky Draw; (iii) to verify the identity of the Winner; (iv) to announce the results of the Lucky Draw on Instagram or in other marketing or promotional materials; and (v) to administer and manage the Lucky Draw. The personal data collected will not be used to update the Bank’s record. The Bank will delete the collected data within 6 months after the fulfilment of the Prize. The Winners’ personal information may be passed to third parties service providers engaged by the Bank for the fulfilment of the Prize.
- By providing his/her personal data to the Bank, the Entrant agrees to the use of his/her personal data by the Bank for the purposes and to such transfer of his/her personal data as mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
- Personal data will be collected by the Bank in accordance with the Bank’s privacy policy (https://www.hsbc.com.hk/misc/pdo-notice-cards/).
- By performing the actions required under Clause 3 above, Entrants agree to participate in the Lucky Draw and be bound by these Terms and Conditions. No further written contract will be entered into. In case of any dispute arising from the Lucky Draw, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive.
- No person other than the Entrant and the Bank will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
- The Bank does not accept responsibility for entries that are lost, damaged, defaced, illegible, incomplete, incorrectly completed or delayed by any failure or malfunction of any computer or mobile device or software or by any failure or defect in any telephone network.
- The Bank reserves the right to exclude an Entrant who violates these Terms and Conditions, tampers with the Lucky Draw, engages in abusive, deceitful or fraudulent behaviour in relation to the Lucky Draw or makes false representations or statements or violates applicable laws or regulations. If an Entrant is excluded, the Prize may be subsequently revoked and reclaimed.
- It is the Winners’ responsibility to comply (at their own expense) with any laws requiring payment of any tax, duty, levy or similar impost relating to the award of the Prize, and the Bank shall have no responsibility in respect thereof.
- These Terms and Conditions are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements.
- Entrants agree that the Lucky Draw and these Terms and Conditions shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, and that the courts of Hong Kong shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes.
- The Bank reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice and the Bank accepts no liability for any such change, withdrawal and termination. The Lucky Draw may be withdrawn or terminated by the Bank at its discretion in which case the Bank will notify you in the ‘comments’ section of the Bank’s Instagram page and/or via email.
- In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.
- Contact the Bank: facebook.promotions@hsbc.com.hk
Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited