有想過當Klook旅遊體驗師嗎 ? 我們有遍佈亞太區的特色活動,讓你可以到當地體驗,深入不同文化,而且是完完全全免費的喔!! 贊助的內容與金額將會視乎讀者的追蹤數目和瀏覽量而定。如果你是blogger, youtuber 或攝影師,願意把親身感受一一紀錄下來,把喜悅和經歷與更多人分享,我們都與你同行!
– 粉絲專頁追蹤超過2000人
– 粉絲專頁發佈文章讚好人數平均多於50
– 部落格最多人瀏覽的文章超過5000人
– 總文章發佈超過10篇
*參加方法:填寫表格即可! Klook將於14個工作天內審核你的專頁和內容,惟有錄取的我們會進一步的通知。謝謝你的提供。
*符合資格者不代表一定可以免費體驗,需根據該行程報名人數、行程宣傳方向以及當地業者是否能配合出團等因素, Klook保留最終決定權及一切權利。
你的旅遊文章和影音想跟更多人分享嗎? 我們誠邀你為Klook撰寫或拍攝獨家文章和影音!作品將會發佈在我們Klook的官方部落格或其他的相關平台,讓更多人看到,而且可賺取可觀的旅行基金喔!
參加方法: 只要填寫表格 ,並附上過往作品以作參考即可! Klook將於14個工作天內審核你的專頁和內容,惟有錄取的我們會進一步的通知。謝謝你的提供。
*除了將文章授權給Klook ,需在原文章加上Klook至少一個相關行程連結, Klook也將在文章中加上授權者介紹與授權者指定連結 。
*若該授權文章獲得廣大好評, Klook免費將文章翻譯為英文或多國語言版本,授權者可自由使用 。
*若該授權文章獲得廣大好評, Klook將收錄於出版品,發行國家不限香港地區,並提供半頁到一頁介紹授權者。
以為當Blogger/ Youtuber/ 攝影師都是孤獨地寫作,剪輯和拍攝作品嗎? 我們歡迎你加入Klook旅行體驗俱樂部,有Klook就不孤獨!
– 了解Klook最in最新的產品資訊和優惠, 甚至享受Blogger獨有優惠!
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– 參與Klook x bloggers 聯誼活動!認識不同Bloggers,互相支持,一起分享旅行趣事!
**參加方法:填寫表格即可! Klook將於14個工作天內審核你的專頁和內容,惟有錄取的我們會進一步的通知。謝謝你的提供。
Source: https://www.klook.com/zh-HK/blog/%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E5%90%8D%E4%BA%BA%E5%90%88%E4%BD%9C%E8%A8%88%E5%8A%83%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E5%9C%B0%E5%8D%80/
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Nominate yourself or a friend for the 2nd Annual Payoneer Entrepreneurship Awards!
Join entrepreneurs around the world to compete for the prestigious Payoneer Award and win $1,000 to invest in your business
What Does It Take To Win?
The Second Annual Payoneer Entrepreneurship Awards celebrate entrepreneurial success around the globe, recognizing international businesses that display strategic thinking, an innovative spirit, and social responsibility.
This year you can nominate colleagues, friends or business connections for the awards, and to ensure we cover all angles, we have 5 great awards up for grabs!
Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur who is just getting their venture off the ground or a seasoned business owner determined to grow further, we want to hear your success story.
How Do I Enter?
To be considered for an award, you or your nominee must own a business and be willing to share your story – everything it took to get you where you are today and your vision for the future!
Simply fill out the form below and share your story by 31st December, 2017. All applicants who meet the requirements will be considered.
Enter here: https://www.payoneer.com/campaign/payoneer-entrepreneurship-awards-2017/
Blog: https://blog.payoneer.com/news/2nd-entrepreneurship-awards/
What Does It Take To Win?
The Second Annual Payoneer Entrepreneurship Awards celebrate entrepreneurial success around the globe, recognizing international businesses that display strategic thinking, an innovative spirit, and social responsibility.
This year you can nominate colleagues, friends or business connections for the awards, and to ensure we cover all angles, we have 5 great awards up for grabs!
Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur who is just getting their venture off the ground or a seasoned business owner determined to grow further, we want to hear your success story.
How Do I Enter?
To be considered for an award, you or your nominee must own a business and be willing to share your story – everything it took to get you where you are today and your vision for the future!
Simply fill out the form below and share your story by 31st December, 2017. All applicants who meet the requirements will be considered.
Enter here: https://www.payoneer.com/campaign/payoneer-entrepreneurship-awards-2017/
Blog: https://blog.payoneer.com/news/2nd-entrepreneurship-awards/
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