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Olympus selfie contest

Post your selfie on Instagram with a #selfie_olympus hashtag.
The Olympus PEN Selfie Contest is a contest you can participate in just by posting photos you have taken of yourself on Instagram and adding a #selfie_olympus hashtag.
If you do not have an Instagram account, download the app from the link below and register.
Latest entries will be displayed here on the Olympus PEN Selfie Contest homepage (Instagram user names will be shown).

在 Instagram 上發佈帶 #selfie_olympus 主題標籤的自拍照。
僅需在 Instagram 上發佈您的自拍照並添加 #selfie_olympus 主題標籤即可參加 Olympus PEN 自拍大賽。
若您尚未擁有 Instagram 賬戶,請從以下鏈接下載應用程式並註冊。
最新作品將展示在此處的 Olympus PEN 自拍大賽網頁上(將顯示 Instagram 使用者名)。

Follow selfie_olympus on Instagram.
Monthly winners will be notified by Instagram Direct. In order to receive an Instagram Direct post from selfie_olympus, you must follow selfie_olympus. Click on the button to the right to follow.
*1 Instagram Direct allows private photo sharing on Instagram. Tap on the inbox icon in the top right corner to view privately-shared photos.
* Winners who do not follow selfie_olympus will not be eligible to receive prizes.

在 Instagram 上關注 selfie_olympus。
每月的獲獎者將透過 Instagram Direct 通知。為確保能從 selfie_olympus 收到 Instagram Direct 郵件,您必須關注 selfie_olympus。按一下右側的按鈕加關注。
*1 Instagram Direct 允許在 Instagram 上私密分享相片。輕叩右上角的收件匣查看私密分享相片。
* 未關注 selfie_olympus 的獲獎者沒有領取獎品的資格。

Winners: Claiming your prize
Winner notification via Instagram Direct will include a winner's password.
Use that password to log in to the winner registration page on this website.
Fill out the winner registration form within fourteen days of winner notification to claim prizes.
If registration is not completed within fourteen days of winner notification, eligibility to claim prizes will be lost

透過 Instagram Direct 發送的獲獎者通知中包含獲獎者密碼。使用該密碼登入本網站上的獲獎者註冊頁面。

For further enquiries, please contact:

Olympus Imaging Corp.
Olympus PEN Selfie Contest Operations Team
* It may take a few days for email enquiries to be answered.
Enquiries or comments posted via Instagram will not be accepted.
Please direct all enquiries to the above email address.
Please click here for FAQs.

Attention Winners!

If you have received winner notification from selfie_olympus via Instagram Direct, click on "Winner Registration" below, enter the password included in your winner notification, and complete the winner registration form within fourteen days of winner notification to claim your prize.
*If winner registration is not completed within 14 days of winner notification, you will lose eligibility to claim your prize.


Olympus PEN 自拍大賽運營團隊
* 回復您的咨詢可能需要數天時間。
不接受透過 Instagram 的咨詢。


若您收到 selfie_olympus 透過 Instagram Direct 發送的獲獎者通知,請按一下下面的「獲獎者註冊」,輸入獲獎者通知中包含的密碼,並在收到獲獎者通知十四天之內完成獲獎者註冊表以便領取獎品。
*若您未在收到獲獎者通知 14 天之內完成獲獎者註冊,將喪失領獎資格。





每月的最酷自拍照將被選為自拍照本月明星(共 6 名獲獎者),接下來的 10 張最酷自拍照將獲得優秀獎(共 60 個優秀獎)。




結果將在每輪大賽後的下月 20 日公佈於本網站與 Instagram。
同時還會透過 Instagram Direct 個別通知獲獎者。
* 結果公佈時間可能會因審查情況而變更。


  • 第 1 輪2014 年 10 月 1 日 11:00 a.m. 至 2014 年 10 月 31 日 11:59 p.m.
  • 第 2 輪2014 年 11 月 1 日 0:00 a.m. 至 2014 年 11 月 30 日 11:59 p.m.
  • 第 3 輪2014 年 12 月 1 日 0:00 a.m. 至 2014 年 12 月 31 日 11:59 p.m.
  • 第 4 輪2015 年 1 月 1 日 0:00 a.m. 至 2015 年 1 月 31 日 11:59 p.m.
  • 第 5 輪2015 年 2 月 1 日 0:00 a.m. 至 2015 年 2 月 28 日 11:59 p.m.
  • 第 6 輪2015年 3 月 1日 0:00 a.m. 至 2015 年 3 月 31 日 11:00 a.m.


    擁有 Instragram 賬戶並在 Instagram 上關注 selfie_olympus,同意本網站使用條款與奧林巴斯影像株式會社隱私政策的人。

    Number of Entries

    There is no limit to how many entries one can post.
    However, in the event that the volume of entries being posted negatively impacts the operation of the contest, a limitation will be applied.


    Every month, the coolest selfie will be selected as Selfie of the Month (a total of 6 winners), and the 10 next coolest selfies each month will be selected as runners-up (a total of 60 runners-up).

    Terms of Use:

    Please refer here for details on terms of use, etc.

    Winner Announcement

    The announcement of winners will be made on the 20th of the month following each round, on this site and on Instagram.
    At the same time winners will be contacted individually via Instagram Direct.
    * The timing of the announcement of winners is subject to change depending on the status of the judging.

    Entry Period

    All dates and times are Japan standard time.
    • Round 111:00 a.m. Oct. 1, 2014 through 11:59 p.m. Oct. 31, 2014
    • Round 212:00 a.m. Nov. 1, 2014 through 11:59 p.m. Nov. 30, 2014
    • Round 312:00 a.m. Dec. 1, 2014 through 11:59 p.m. Dec. 31, 2014
    • Round 412:00 a.m. Jan. 1, 2015 through 11:59 p.m. Jan. 31, 2015
    • Round 512:00 a.m. Feb. 1, 2015 through 11:59 p.m. Feb. 28, 2015
    • Round 612:00 a.m. Mar. 1, 2015 through 11:00 a.m. Mar. 31, 2015

    Eligibility for Entry

    Those who have an Instragram account, who follow selfie_olympus on Instagram, and who agree to the terms of use of this site and to Olympus Imaging Corp. privacy policies.

    Watch & Clock Design Competition

    為進一步提高香港鐘表的設計水平和品質及鼓勵新穎的創作意念, 香港貿易發展局、香港表廠商會與及香港鐘表業總會,將再度攜手舉辦第32屆香港鐘表設計比賽,以豐富展覽會內容,並促進港製鐘表在本地及海外的銷路。 請勿錯過這次難得機會,盡情發揮您的創作夢想,贏取豐富獎品及推廣您的設計。

    - 機票及酒店住宿前往參觀瑞士巴塞爾BASELWORLD珠寶鐘表博覽2016
    - 豐富現金獎
    - 媒體報道
    莫再遲疑! 展示您的創意設計, 贏取豐富奬品!
    公開組設計主題 - 自由與和平 (Freedom & Peace)

    學生組設計主題 - 共享(Sharing)
    信息技術的進步令世界之間的共享更迅速、更便捷,節省了我們很多時間及資源。 你怎樣看待二十一世紀的 “共享” 現象?

    The Hong Kong Trade Development Council will join hands again with Hong Kong Watch Manufacturers Association Ltd. and The Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades & Industries Ltd. to organise The 32nd Hong Kong Watch & Clock Design Competition as a concurrent event of the HKTDC Hong Kong Watch and Clock Fair 2015. Show your design talent & grab away the big prizes !!

    Champion will receive airfare and hotel sponsorship round trip ticket Hong Kong to Switzerland (4 nights hotel) to visit BASELWORLD 2016 and cash prize HKD15,000!
    Act Now ! Show your design talent & win fabulous prizes!
    OPEN GROUP - Freedom and Peace 
    Freedom and peace are the eternal qualities of life that humans are pursuing throughout history, it seems that only freedom and peace can withstand the great tides of time. In this era of increasing tensions and conflicts around the world, these two universal qualities seem more important than ever. 

    STUDENT GROUP - Sharing
    Advancements in information technology have made sharings across the globe much faster and easier, saving a lot of our time and resources. 

    How would you interpret “sharing” in the 21st century?


    Lexus x Hong Kong Promotion

    Lexus x “選戰外傳”足本版正式曝光!
    為替葉晴洗脫嫌疑,張癸龍命懸一線…! 立即見證張癸龍如何逃出生天,並到 幫助張癸龍脫險兼有機會贏取最新iPhone!
    Full version of "The Unrecorded" - side story of Lexus x “The Election” is now released! Check it out now and visit to save Kwai-Lung and grab a chance to win the new iPhone!

    遊戲日期:    201527(06:00:00 香港時間) 31(23:59:59香港時間),截止時間以皇冠汽車有限公司之伺服器為準。
    得獎公布日期:    2015313Lexus Hong Kong (Official) Facebook專頁公布。
    禮品:    終極創意獎(三名):各得 iPhone 6(16GB) 乙台
    極具風格獎(十名):各得 全新 Lexus NX200t 極致限量版模型車乙部
    ( 禮品由供應商提供,有關產品之問題或保養請直接與供應商聯絡。)
    - 加者必須回答表格上的問題,並由皇冠汽車有限公司在合資格答案中評選出3位終極創意獎及10位極具風格獎的得獎者。
    - 參加者必須在遊戲表格填上個人資料(包括姓名、身分證頭四位數字、聯絡電話及電郵)以確認得獎者身份及其參加資格之用。
    - 每位參加者可參加此遊戲多於一次。惟每一位參加者最多只可得奬一次。如參加者的其中一個作品獲選為得奬作品,同一參加者的其他作品將失去參加資格。
    - 所有參加內容不可包含任何不雅、具攻擊性、非法、中傷、侵權、誹謗及涉及他人私隱等內容。

    - 得獎通知及領獎方法,將於由公佈得獎名單起的4個星期內由皇冠汽車有限公司透過電郵,個別發送到所有得獎者之電子郵件地址。如我們在2015410 日或之前未能聯絡得獎者或得獎者未能與我們聯絡,皇冠汽車有限公司將有權取消其得獎資格。
    - 得獎者不得將其獎品轉讓、兌換現金或退換其他物品。

    The thrilling side story of “The Election”

    Cheung Kwai Lung’s life is threatened as he tries to obtain proof for Yip Ching. Will he be able to escape in the Lexus NX200tF SPORT?
    Check out the interactive movie now to save Cheung Kwai Lung for a chance to win an iPhone6 (16GB) or an ALL New Lexus NX200t Model Car(Limited Edition)

    Share the movie now and use your creativity to answer the question below.
    Participants with the most creative answers (3 winners) could win a Creative Prize of an iPhone 6(16GB)!
    There’s also a chance to win a Style Prize of an All New Lexus NX200t Model Car (Limited Edition) (10 winners).
    For details, please refer to the Game Mechanics page.

    If you were Cheung Kwai Lung and given an All New Lexus NX200t F SPORT, how would you use it?

    Game Mechanics

    Campaign period:     7/2/2015 (06:00:00 HK time) – 1/3/2015 (23:59:59 HK time)
    Results Announcement:     The results will be announced on Lexus Hong Kong (Official) Facebook on 13/3/2015.
    Prizes:      Creative Prize (3 winners): One iPhone 6 (16GB) each
    Style Prize (10 winners): One NX200t F Sport Model Car (Limited Edition) each
    (All gifts are supplied by the Suppliers, please contact them direct for information and in case of question.)
    Campaign rules:
    - All participants are required to answer the question on the form. 3 Winners for the Creative Prize and 10 winners for the Style Prize will be selected from all eligible answers. Selection will be performed by the General Manager of Crown Motors Limited.
    - Entrants are required to submit their personal data (e.g. name, first 4 digits of HKID, contact number, email) for verification of the eligibility and identity of the winners and notifying the winner.
    - Each entrant can submit more than one entry but each entrant is only entitled to one award; if an entry by an Entrant is being awarded, all other entries submitted by the same Entrant will be disqualified.
    - All submission must not contain any obscene, indecent, offensive, illegal, libelous, defamatory, tortious, slanderous elements and/or any contents which may violate the personal data privacy protection. Entries with any of such contents will be disqualified.

    Arrangement of prize presentation:
    -       All winners will be notified by Crown Motors Limited via their email address and method of prize collection will be communicated accordingly within 4 weeks from the date of announcement of the result. If the winners cannot be contacted or fail to respond before 10/4/2015, Crown Motors Limited reserves the right to forfeit their prizes and the relevant prizes will be offered to any other eligible entrants at its sole discretion.
    -       All prizes cannot be transferred, redeemed for cash nor exchanged for any other products/services.


    參加Facebook遊戲 即有機會獲贈 香港航空38,000金鵬里數

    219311期間嚟UA<<衝上雲霄>>,憑戲票票尾兩張,於UA Cinemas Facebook登記參加遊戲回答問題,一經選中即有機會獲贈香港航空金鵬俱樂部共38,000里數。

    -       38,000金鵬里數可兌換一張香港航空任何航點的來回經濟艙機票,得獎者必須先成為金鵬俱樂部之會員,方可獲里數獎勵。

    -       得獎結果會於2015324UA CinemasFacebook專頁內公佈。

    UA獨家限量電影華麗情人咭 (一套三款)


    名額1000 (數量有限,送完即止。)




    Institute of Culinary Education is giving away $140K in culinary school scholarships!


    Discover your future in food!

    Win one of eight scholarships to the Institute of Culinary Education’s award-winning programs in Culinary Arts, Pastry & Baking Arts, Culinary Management or Hospitality Management.

    祝你『椒』福開運,買滿$40 齊齊中獎賀新春



    LINDT朱古力賞免找數簽賬額總值超過HK$200,000 Win Spending Credit over HK$200,000

    Celebrate Lunar New Year with LINDT

    LINDT瑞士朱古力大師帶來多款甜美幼滑的LINDT 朱古力,讓大家分享甜蜜,一同迎接豐盛羊年﹗

    由2015年1月10日至2月19日(大年初一),凡購買LINDT朱古力滿HK$100或以上,即可登記參加新年大抽奬。日日抽出3名幸運兒 (合共超過120名得奬者),每位嬴取HK$1,000免找數簽賬額。

    1. 參加者必須年滿18歲,參加次數不限。
    2. 參加者必須憑商戶之機印收據登記,單據日期及登記日期必須為2015年1月10日至2月19日。
    3. 於同一張單據顯示購買LINDT 朱古力的淨額每滿HK$100即可獲抽奬機會一次。購買金額越多,中奬機會就越大。
    4. 每張收據須顯示購買LINDT朱古力產品滿港幣$100或以上方為有效,而每張收據只可登記乙次。
    5. 參加者請保留收據正本作領奬之用。任何不完整、影印、損毀、遭修改或塗污之單據將不獲承認並作廢論。
    6. 是次競賽會以不同形式收集參加者的資料,但同一參加資格只作一次計算。同一張收據,不論以電話登記或網上登記,只被視作登記一次,並且以最早登記的日期和時間作準。重複的單據將被刪去才進行抽獎,以確保參加者得獎機會均等。
    7. 每日的抽獎資格以參加者的網上/電話登記日期為準。錯誤或不完整的資料將視作無效。
    8. 登記的截止時間為2015年2月19日23:59。
    9. 如有任何疑問,歡迎致電 3106 2996或登入 查詢。
    10. 網上的得奬名單將逢星期三更新一次,而所有的得獎名單也將於2015年2月27日刊登於星島日報及英文虎報。
    11. 登記日期
      2015 年1月10日 – 1 月11日
      網頁︰2015 年1月14日(星期三)
      2015 年1月10日 – 1 月18日
      網頁︰2015 年1月21日(星期三)
      2015 年1月10日 – 1 月25日
      網頁︰2015 年1月28日(星期三)
      2015 年1月10日 – 2月1日
      網頁︰2015 年2月4日(星期三)
      2015 年1月10日 – 2月8日
      網頁︰2015 年2月11日(星期三)
      2015 年1月10日 – 2月15日
      網頁︰2015 年2月18日(星期三)
      2015 年1月10日 – 2月19日
      所有得奬名單網頁公佈︰2015 年2月25日(星期三)
    12. 所有得獎者將獲專人以電話及短信通知領獎詳情,得獎者於領獎時須提供有關資料及得獎收據正本以作核對,否則得獎資格將被取消,收據正本於領獎後將不予發還。
    13. 瑞士蓮巧克力(亞太)有限公司之員工及家屬均不得參加,以示公允。
    14. 所有獎品不可兌換現金及其他獎品,並受到有關商戶的條款與細則約束。
    15. 免找數簽賬額︰所有得獎者須必須為18歲或以上人仕,並須遵守中國建設銀行(亞洲)股份有限公司 (「建行(亞洲)」)所訂之條款及細則。每日賞你$1,000港元免找數簽賬額將以建行(亞洲)預付卡供得獎者使用。建行(亞洲)預付卡之使用須受有關條款及細則約束。當中$10港元之行政費用將直接從預付卡儲值額中扣除。得獎者須透過網上或自動電話系統啟動預付卡後方可使用。有關終極賞 $80,000港元信用卡免找數簽賬額,得獎者需要遞交已填寫好之建行(亞洲)信用卡申請表格、身份證明文件及住址證明副本及建行(亞洲)所須之其他申請文件予建行(亞洲)作申請信用卡之用。$80,000港元信用卡免找數簽賬額將存入新開立之建行(亞洲)信用卡賬戶。如得獎者拒絕遞交上述文件,即表示得獎者自動放棄有關之得獎資格。有關$80,000港元信用卡免找數簽賬額之使用須受建行(亞洲)所訂之條款及細則約束。免找數簽賬額不可兌換現金及/或作現金透支提取,亦不得轉讓。
    16. 本活動如有任何因電腦、網路、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於主辦商之事由,而使參加者或得獎者所登錄之資料有遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損,導致資料無效之情況,主辦商不負任何法律責任,參加者或得獎者均不得異議。
    17. 得獎者須於指定日期內,帶同得奬之收據正本到指定之地點核實其得獎者身份並換領獎品。如逾期未領獎品即視作放棄得獎權利。
    18. 參加者所提供之個人資料僅供是次推廣活動用途。
    19. 主辦商及各獎品供應商對所有因領取或使用各獎品之後果概不負責。
    20. 如有任何爭議,瑞士蓮巧克力(亞太)有限公司保留最終決定及解釋權。

    Win Spending Credit over HK$200,000

    LINDT Master Swiss Chocolatiers bring you a rich assortment of irresistibly smooth LINDT chocolates along with a smooth start of the New Year of the Goat!

    Starting from 10th January to 19th February, 2015, purchase any LINDT chocolates for HK$100 and above, you will get a chance to enter into a daily lucky draw. 3 winners will be drawn everyday to win HK$1,000 spending credit.
    All entries will be snowballed to a Grand Lucky Draw which 1 lucky winner will get to win HK$80,000 spending credit. Over 120 prizes worth over HK$200,000 are waiting for you!

    Terms and Conditions
    1. Participants must be of age 18 or above. No limitation on number of entries.
    2. Only machine-printed receipts are accepted. The receipt date and registration date must be between 10th January to 19th February, 2015.
    3. Participants are entitled to one lucky draw chance for every purchase of HK$100 for any LINDT Chocolates in a single receipt. The more you spend, the more you stand to win.
    4. All valid receipts must clearly show purchase amount of HK$100 or above of LINDT chocolates. Each receipt can only be registered once.
    5. Only original and authentic receipt is qualified. Participants should keep the official receipt for prize redemption.
    6. Each receipt can only be registered once. Repeated entries (no matter it is registered via phone or internet) will be counted as one single entry, and the first entry is counted as the only official entry.
    7. The official date and time of registration is marked according to the record in the online and phone system. Only correct and complete information recorded will be regarded as successful registration.
    8. The registration cut-off time is at 23:59 on 19th February, 2015
    9. Should there be any enquiries, please call 3106 2996 or visit
    10. Online winner list will be updated on every Wednesday and all lucky draw results will be published in Sing Tao Daily and The Standard newspapers on 27th of February, 2015. Participants can check the lucky draw results according to the schedule shown as follows:
    11. Registration Date
      Announcement Date
      10th January, 2015 - 11th January, 2015
      Online: 14th January, 2015 (Wednesday)
      10th January, 2015 - 18th January, 2015
      Online: 21st January, 2015 (Wednesday)
      10th January, 2015 - 25th January, 2015
      Online: 28th January, 2015 (Wednesday)
      10th January, 2015 - 1st February, 2015
      Online: 4th February, 2015 (Wednesday)
      10th January, 2015 - 8th February, 2015
      Online: 11st February, 2015 (Wednesday)
      10th January, 2015 - 15th February, 2015
      Online: 18th February, 2015 (Wednesday)
      10th January, 2015 - 19th February, 2015
      All results announced online on 25th February, 2015.
      All results announced in prints on 27th February, 2015 (Sing Tao Daily and The Standard)
    12. Winners will be notified via the provided contact number. Please note that all prize redemption will require original purchase receipt and winners will be disqualified if they fail to provide the original receipt. The original receipt will not be returned after prize redemption.
    13. Employees of LINDT & Sprüngli (Asia-Pacific) Ltd and their family members are not eligible to register for this promotion.
    14. All prizes are non-redeemable for cash and non-transferable and it is subject to the merchants' terms and conditions.
    15. Credit Card spending credit: winners must be of age 18 or above and agree to be bound by the terms & conditions of China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited (the "Bank"). The daily price of HK$1,000 credit card spending limit will be granted to the winners by means of a pre-paid card issued by the Bank. HK$10 administration fee will be directly deducted from the pre-paid card. The use of the Bank's pre-paid cards is subject to the related terms and conditions. Winners must activate the pre-paid cards via the Bank's online or telephone system before use. For the ultimate prize of HK$80,000 credit card spending credit, the winner must submit signed application form provided by the Bank with his or her proof of Identity, residential proof and any other required documents to the Bank for credit card application. The HK$80,000 credit card spending credit will be credited to the newly opened credit card account with the Bank. Winner who fails to submit the above information will be deemed having automatically withdrawn the right of prize redemption. The use of the HK$80,000 credit card spending credit is subject to the Bank's terms and conditions. All spending credits are not redeemable for cash or cannot be withdrawn by means of cash advance and non-transferable.
    16. LINDT & Sprüngli (Asia-Pacific) Ltd. is not responsible for any data loss or damage due to the malfunction of the computer or network.
    17. Winners should redeem the prize in the designated redemption center in person with the original receipt for checking. Winners who fail to redeem the prize in the designated center before deadline will automatically forfeit the rights of prize redemption.
    18. All personal information will be used for this promotion only.
    19. LINDT & Sprüngli (Asia-Pacific) Ltd is not responsible for any consequences due to the usage of the prizes.
    20. In case of any disputes, the decision of LINDT & Sprüngli (Asia-Pacific) Ltd should be final and binding.
